Tang Band 2145 in action

Ck out the sunning , sparkling highs.
Hardly need to add a  tweeter. = can if you wish. just add any of your fav tweets, +  with a  simple 2.2 or 3.3 cap.

As I said previously, both the TB2145 ad DLVX8 both are very close in performance.
can't go wrong with either.

Truly a   magical sound image.
Jazz fans especially take note of this speaker.
You always wanted life like sound stage, with no added baggage???
'Well  the TB2145 has your order.


Take a look my site  all my speakers based on Tang Band 2145 with bass
support and supertweeter also. i find this is the best, long time ago. The male voices , piano sound natural and fool body, compare with speakers based on one driver, does not matter price ,   all my customers ( not too many) came out from speakers market, But mainstream guys reading bul------t  review  and stay on the market long long time
I’m one of Greg’s customers. My Bache Audio Tribeca’s replaced a PK rebuilt pair of Quad 57’s. The Tang Band drivers in my speakers are modified by Greg and augmented by 2 woofers and a super tweeter. I can testify that the midrange in my speakers is absolutely beautiful. Open and holographic and balanced from top to bottom. No thin distorted sound with these.
bache381 posts09-25-2021 8:18amTake a look my site all my speakers based on Tang Band 2145 with bass
support and supertweeter also. i find this is the best, long time ago. The male voices , piano sound natural and fool body,

I will visit your site

100% agreement with your assessment of the 
Tang Band 2145, which I think has a consense as the best of their 3 8 inch WBers.

Might be their latest model.
Voices , life like presence. 
Mids clean, neutral, no muddyness, no  coloration, highs with that aluminum phase pluf extended with sparkles.

*Full body** Yes bass goes low enough (40hz roll off is my guess) rich detailed mis, and highs to say 12k+ hz's. = Nice detailed sound stage.

You know I could be happy with a  single WBer , no assist.
But for padded lows, added *ambience* on the highs, 
Why not. 
As I say, the bass from the added woofer must be as clean and neutral as the TB2145, otherwise there will not be the meshing of both bass fq's. 
What is the fq cut off on your woofers?
What fq does the super tweeter kick in?
Quad 57’s.

The Legendary Quad 57’s,
My tech mention this speaker presents the finest midrange he’s ever heard.

Which backs up my hunch these 2 WBers midrange has authority and eloquence.
Equal to any panel/stat’s supreme mid voicing.

~~~Futhermore,, while looking for Bache's links, I notice you left a  customer comment and states all the top class speakers you've auditioed in the past.
Thats quite a  top notch quality of speakers you mention there.

Again , my hunch the midrange in this TB2145  excels over the  mids in the xover low sens types due to inherent weaknesses, which a xover can not mend nor  fix.

OK Found Bache Audio site
His latest 
Bache Audio 002AB, is really full complete total  range speaker.
Thats one heck of a  tweeter.
Only says (Paper Tang Band** not sure which model.

And i am quite sure  the reviewer got it right, beats the Dali and Wilson in the critical midrange....where is counts...
High tech WBers always come out the winners in  seamless lifelike soundstage  in mids,  vs the xover low sens types. 
You can argue that point all you wish, I ain't budging 1 inch on this  doctrine.
 My dogma is based on experience. 
