Sound Real, your logic is faulty here. You clearly don't understand the nature of the transformer (the horn) that takes the load off that 2" driver, compared to a "bare driver", to the tune of an order of magnitude.
It's useless to argue with someone (you) who obviously has no technical understanding of the subject, and who not many years ago was asking Audiogoners what to carry! Seems to me the general consensus in that thread was that you should go learn something, and that still applies. Don't just spout off before learning the subject matter. Rather, do the mature thing and go learn about the compression driver and horn loading, from a technical standpoint, then go test several of the best models, involving several brands. Do some measurements to correlate to your listening experiences. Then come back and talk, you'll at that point be able to bring something to the table. A couple decades more experience and studying and you will then REALLY bring something to the table.
Unlike you, no commercial affiliations here. I don't do retail, I'm not in the speaker business, I own both cones and horns.
Remember one of the first rules of credibility: know what you are talking about before you throw dogmatic statements around.