Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
up date, subject to change as break-in continues, The furutech GTX outlet's with Tara labs cables, has nothing to do with which is warmer or not, or tube equipment or solid state, but rather sound stage presatation!, they are different,I will tell more on this as impression's further along with more break-in, tone is very similiar, but the Rhodium clearly has a lower noise floor, the choices is really, what sounds best over your entire system, mainly the speakers, The Rhodium can or could give you to much detail if you have cables and speakers that already do a very good job at doing so, now the Gold is absolutly no slouch with treble detail at all, close to the Rhodium, both are really good, more up-dates will follow.
The sound stage is what is so spooky about the Rhodium Furutech GTX-D, just enough forward presatation to be engageing, but depth that knocks your back sheet rock through the wall, on vocals, this is uncanny realistic sounding with the Tara labs Zero Gold I/C, Omega Gold speaker cables and Cobalt power cord with oyaide termination's that is on the digital player, I do like the Rhodium, I believe we have a clear winner for the tube/solid state hybred cd-player, the synergy is a wow factor together with the tara Labs cables over the Gold version Furutech GTX-D wpo.
Next up is the modded Krell FPB 700cx stereo amplifier with the Furutech GTX-D wpo's and Tara labs cables, keep you posted on the finding's over the next few days.
Next step is Furutech FI 09 in Rhodium. Everything in my system is running this IEC A/C power inlet.
The Rhodium has won the tube/solid state hybred digital position hands down, I can hear a fly's wings flapping on the wall within the recording with the clarity, detail treble air beyound belief, detail that brings out all nuances that I have never heard before, vocals that have front to back depth of the presatation that is as real as it get's for vocals, spooky!, timberal accuracy with incredible speed, bass that is so defined, you can hear the foot pedal on the bass drum's,snare drum's that sound like it is in the room with you, I suppose all this can be system dependent and cable dependent, likly, that is why even Furutech made two version's of the GTX-D wpo's, LOL!, if there is better, which I doubt for my system, I do not need it period, for what?