Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
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Calvinj!!! I think you have taken things personally? The way I see things, audiotabyrinth has not!! Done anything for all of you to start attacking one. I have heard a lot of the cables he has spoke of and well!!! Most impressive. If you do not enjoy coming to this thread and learning about what another has experienced in ones life? Then don't come to a forum and think you are going to express what YOU think. Well go on and leave audiolabyrinth alone.
Corrections/mistyping while on phone/on the go corrected below;

Audiolabyrinth: I stand properly corrected; you've owned or done detailed testing with EVERY major brand of cables and model thereof in the world,...WOW!  For the rest of your response, I am afraid you are missing my point (again). The objection/constructive criticism in my replies are not that you are supporting the brand but rather how you are chipping away at people's perception of the brand by the way in which you simply continue to copy-paste tons of text time and time again. People can find all that out there...please post things that are new, unique and your own opinion. For the record (again) I'll say that what you sent to Tara that's actually on their website under your UserID is great feedback and I am sure, helped some potential or current customer.  Also,..please tell your alternate IDs, and friends to stand down.

'nough said...have a great day!
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