Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Woogie59, I  say 30% when both cable's have been fully re-burned in,  The zero gold has 4 picofarads of capacitance,  the new Zero Gold version two has 6 picofarads of capacitance. Starting with the zero edge,  zero onyx,  zero gold,  each step was 30% increase between each model. The new cable line up is substantially more,  The Grandmaster Evolution is 50% better performance than the Zero Evolution Interconnect., cheers 
Woogie 59 only two posts ever and they happen to be here.  Lol. Talks to himself that's crazy and answers! 
Calvinj,  What's wrong with you?, woogie59 and dimebagbirdie13 are separate people,  I assure you!, also,  dimebagbirdie13 is not new to this thread,  she changed her name from birdiemay13, As far I know,  she doesn't like posting on these thread's for owning the tara lab's Grandmaster Evolution cable's, people like her avoid's getting bashed over the head for owning esoteric equipment!, I fully understand that!, As a matter of fact,  I know plenty of people that do not post for that exact reason. 
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Good Morning Keith,....if you are asserting that birdiemay, dimebagbirdie, woogie, etc...have no relation to you, 1 or 2 don't hang out with you, no GF/BF thing going on, etc... and you don't know them at all, then their IP connection records maintained by Audiogon would show they are nowhere near you and not using IP Addresses on the same sub-net and even possibly the same computer.   I assume you knew this capability exists on the WWW?  

Seriously...you are accusing others of impersonating; I think you are wrong about melbguy; he's straight-up and very frank/knowledgeable in all his posts. I truly don't think he needs to have a ghost ID to interact and differ in opinion/otherwise with you or anyone else! Just my 2 cents on posting on some common threads where we don't always agree over the years!