Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
That is very funny!, I own $600.00 speakers, ok then, whatever you say,ha,ha, some people say anything to discredit someone, shows your character, I have Tara Omega Gold 8ft speaker cable's, they retail $24,000.00, and if I paid $2,000.00, does that mean I have $2,000.00 speaker cable's, really!, BTW, I did not pay $2,000.00, make sure I say that, next thing you know, there would be a rumor that I do not have Omega Gold 8ft speaker cable's, ha,ha.
Yes, I remember that post from a year ago. I'm still waiting too for Alab to actually listen and compare the two cables. BTW, in that last copy and post about Tara cables they can't be both 85 square millimeters and 85000 square millimeters.
Audiolabyrinth..... I am also highly skeptical of your claims to have heard the effect of Rick's current flagship line of cables, either within your system or elsewhere! And therefore your credibility in commenting thus.
Hi Ronnjay, yes it took a year, however, I did get to compaire the two different brand's of cable's, and the Tara Labs Grandmaster Evolution speaker cable's are 000 awg and an area of 85,000 square milimeter's per channel, cheers.
Comment by Audiocrack from Whatsbest forum:

“The new physically flexible TARA Labs Omega Evolution, incorporating almost twice as many rectangular, solid-core "8 Nines" oxygen-free copper elements (280 versus the Gold's 156), adds the speed, transparency, dimensionality and, especially, textural suppleness….”

After my first post on the WBF I have been silent about the Tara Labs grandmaster evolution loudspeaker and interconnect cables because I wanted to break them in and learn more about them while doing so. I believe they are more or less played in by now and after some changes to my AC I believe I am in the position to make a final judgment. I am even more amazed and impressed now than I was at the time of my first post. These cables are so transparent and dynamic it is almost frightening. Furthermore, they present a huge soundstage, in particular the depth is unbelievable. Yesterday evening I played inter alia an old EMI recording of Shostakovich symphony no. 6/11, conducted by Paavo Berglund (beautiful recorded BTW by recording engineer Stuart Eltham), on my Forsell/Koetsu coral stone/Kondo step up/Zanden 1200 mk III (on the latter I used the special EMI curve) phono combination. The soundstage was phenomenal in depth. The stringtone was oh so sweet and at the same time the micro details in the recording were brought alive so easily and beautifully; I have never heard this recording sound so impressive before. In short, the Taralabs grandmaster cables are by far the best loudspeaker and interconnect cables I have ever experienced in my audiophile journey of more than thirty years. I urge everybody who is in the position to do so to give these Taralabs cables a listen: they are imho phenomenal. – Audiocrack