Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Steve, that is a great intention, but a completely lost cause. He has absolutely no clue what the point of your Neotech example above was... zero, nil, nada. Don't waste too much time on him, the direct approach doesn't work either. Really, this is a guy that has thousands of posts on this site, and not a single post in the music forums, none. Music is what this hobby is about. To him, it is about the gear. There is a constant state of something breaking in for his system, thousands and thousands of hours worth. How could you possibly ever enjoy listening to music that way? I wonder how many cds he owns.

Zephyr, great posts. I completely agree. In addition to having a thread view count available to him, it would be nice to have some kind of count of people that are completely turned off to this brand because of this thread. He looks at the number of views as an indication of how many people he is "helping". Teehee. How many people view just to get a gawk at the next bit of nonsense he posts. Kind of like audiophile rubberneckers. You know what is happening, but for some morbid reason still have to look.
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As I opined upon a little earlier in this ' Tara Labs, The Cable Zombie ' thread, were I the Marketing Director of Tara Labs, I would have sought a gagging order on this 'individual' some time ago.
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I do not know if any of you have seen the Stereophile recommended componets 2015 that just came out?, take a look at the cable section, there you will find that the second from the top of the line Tara Labs model Zero Evolution I/C and Omega Evolution speaker cables reined king over all cables that was reviewed in their recommended componet's, regarless of your opinion, to me, that is an incredible feat to acomplish!, there was a couple of cable's that had the transparency, dimensionality,as the Tara Cable, however, they lacked the speed,organic mid-range, top detail extention, suistain, and decay of the sound that the Tara Labs cable done, and the good folks at Stereophile complimented the Tara Labs cable to have the best sound stage as well, to sum it all up, the Tara Labs Zero and Omega Evolution cables was their favorite by far, none of you can take that away!, all the cable's that was reviewed got a fair un-bias shake.