Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
@ Tboooe, I enjoyed talking to you on the phone, thankyou for calling back, I was very supprised that you have been doing computer audio for 10 years!, you made me feel old fashioned, LOL!, I know who to come to for that set-up, I will do computer audio too, have you tried some of the audiophile software out there for this application?, If there is anybody out there that may chime in on the subject of computer audio for the High-end, please post some opinions on this thread, this is a subject we should talk about, cheers.
@ pops, Hi, I went to a friends house this past week-end for the first time in 15 years, He had at his house the magico q3 speakers, retail $40,000.00 he got used for $27,000.00 here on audiogon, His right channel mid-range driver is not working, this happened over the last two years, his room mate over drove the speaker when he was not at home, what a bummer, however, I am helping him to get ready to send to factory in californa for repair, he offered to pay me, I said, No way!, I want to listen to these speakers buddy!, I keep all of you up-dated on this, it may take a while to do, The good news is, he is rich, so he will get the speaker right back,LOL!
@auiolab, PC audio is yet another rabbit hole! There are a lot of things you can do with a purpose build audio pc that will improve the sound over a standard pc. Things like power supply, USB implementation, OS (Server), and optimization software is essential. Right now, I am very happy with my PC set up though (as with all things in this whacky hobby) I think I can improve the sound by building another audio PC with some upgraded hardware. I plan to do this new build at the end of this year.
@ waxwaves, I remember a while back, you said that you do not know if The model, The one, would be alot better than your current cables, Adam, yes, they would be a big jump, if you ever did the whole loom over time, I believe it would be the end game for you with cables with your systems, you would not need any more performance than what These Tara Labs cables offer, just my opinion, what are you up to any way?