Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Keith,the voodoo adapter arrived,so I tried the stealth on the CD player and the amp,which it was designed for.It really came on on the amp too.So one on the pre and the amp ,should take me to,another level again.The owner of stealth,said I shouldn't loose anything with it on the pre ,if I stay with the same PC on the amp,which I was hoping he would say.Cause it really is superb.
Hi Tboooe, Wow!, that took you a very long time to get 300 hours on your cable, I am very happy you are loving the Tara Labs-The Two with HFX grounding station extended version interconnect,As far as your The one speaker cables, man, those cables are very musical, I love them!, I still have a pair of 6ft, I will keep them forever, LOL!, I suggest this Tommy, If their is a way you can audition a Tara cable before you buy, Do it!, Why?, well, as good as Tara Labs Is, sometimes, more resolution is not always the fix, an example, the 0.8 is a better cable than the- The one speaker cable, however, depending on your system needs, the one is more warm, where the 0.8 has more resolution with a little warmth, I would audition the digital cable first, you have great speaker cables, I would be in no hurry to get to the speaker cables, find out first which model digital cable from Tara Labs best fits your system, then, if desired, go for speaker cables, welcome back to the thread.
Bob, that sounds great, give us a review of the stealth power cable in detail, I like to know what other power cables you have compaired them to?
Rebel721, Hi, Have you got your new Tara labs Evolution Zero and Evolution Omega cables yet?
Hi keith, give me a couple of weeks, my other pc should be here by then.Im away on holiday for two weeks. Judyazblues be nice to keith while im away.cheers