Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Bob, that sounds great, give us a review of the stealth power cable in detail, I like to know what other power cables you have compaired them to?
Rebel721, Hi, Have you got your new Tara labs Evolution Zero and Evolution Omega cables yet?
Hi keith, give me a couple of weeks, my other pc should be here by then.Im away on holiday for two weeks. Judyazblues be nice to keith while im away.cheers
@ Jebsmith73, how is your Stage -3 concepts Kraken power cord sounding?, how many hours do you have on it now?
Kraken cords were bought used, they already had some hours on them. It did take a week or so for them to settle in for best sound. After that , don't move them.