Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
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I do not know if any of you have seen the Stereophile recommended componets 2015 that just came out?, take a look at the cable section, there you will find that the second from the top of the line Tara Labs model Zero Evolution I/C and Omega Evolution speaker cables reined king over all cables that was reviewed in their recommended componet's, regarless of your opinion, to me, that is an incredible feat to acomplish!, there was a couple of cable's that had the transparency, dimensionality,as the Tara Cable, however, they lacked the speed,organic mid-range, top detail extention, suistain, and decay of the sound that the Tara Labs cable done, and the good folks at Stereophile complimented the Tara Labs cable to have the best sound stage as well, to sum it all up, the Tara Labs Zero and Omega Evolution cables was their favorite by far, none of you can take that away!, all the cable's that was reviewed got a fair un-bias shake.
I do not care what others use for cables!, if they want to know about Tara labs cables, I will do my best to help them, I enjoy the third from the top of the line cables from Tara Labs, I have the Zero Gold I/c, Ommega Gold speaker cables, the fourth in a/c powr cables model line up, the Cobalt power cord with oyaide terminations, and the very top model, speacial order Omega speaker post jumper cables, none of what I own here is no slouch in the industry for cables, I enjoy them, if you don't enjoy Tara Cables, then move on, leave me alone.
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LOL!, steve, your fricken cables was NOT even a mention in the Stereophile 2015 recommended componet's!, you have motive here, nothing more, if not, move on.
The Zero Evolution w/HFX 1.0m/3.3ft

Extended Bandwidth - Interconnect

The new Zero Evolution is another remarkable breakthrough in cutting edge technology and design from TARA Labs. The Zero Evolution design supersedes the Zero Gold with a 75% increase in bandwidth, in addition to an incredible 2.5pf, resulting in a vanishingly low noise floor that creates the widest dynamic range possible. Our SAOF-8N 99.999999% inline polished conductors uses our new proprietary Liquid-film™ dielectric. The Zero Evolution also includes our new flexible air-tube technology and design. This results in a sound that reveals fine nuances of attack, sustain and delay, and is extremely revealing of subtle high-frequency detail. The listening experience is described as holographic and lifelike.
•Zero Evolution design supersedes the Zero Gold with a 75% increase in bandwidth
•RCA torque-lock / XLR
•Anti-corrosion coated SAOF-8N copper shield
•RSC Gen 2 conductors
•Teflon and Aero-PE filaments ensure complete air dielectric construction
•Controlled spacing of conductor to conductor geometry produces record low interconnect capacitance of 2.5pf (pico-farads)
•Controlled geometry for stable electrical characteristics
•Extremely revealing with subtle high-frequency detail
•All new flexible air-tube technology and design
•SAOF-8N inline polished conductors with TARA Labs proprietary Liquid-film™ dielectric
•Break through design and technology delivers an incredible listening experience
•Extremely low noise floor creates the widest dynamic range that reveals extremely fine nuances of fast attack, sustain and decay
The Omega™ Evolution speaker cables - 8ft/2.4m

The Omega Evolution has now become one of TARA Labs ultimate speaker cables. The Omega Evolution is just one step below the Grandmaster Evolution speaker cables. The RSC conductors are insulated with a fine layer of aerospace polyethylene, a very neutral material with almost no audible effect.

The Omega Evolution delivers lifelike, almost holographic sound, pin-point imaging and clear resolution of fine detail with extreme ease. What you will hear is an accurate harmonic structure extending upwards with the finest and most delicate of high frequencies. This will be contrasted with a vanishingly low noise floor. The reproduction of the recorded space can only be described as holographic. The qualities of a reverberation and ambient retrieval are simply astonishing. The Omega Evolution has a level of performance that is beyond comparison to any other speaker cable in the world with the obvious exception of the Grandmaster Evolution.
•BSM (with 1/4'’ or 5/16’’ Spades or Bananas
•4+ gauge conductor runs per channel
•SAOF-8N copper
•Each channel comprised of 224 RSC Gen 2 conductors in Aero-PE GMI dielectric
•Separate positive and negative conductor run for each channel
•Helixed Rectangular Solid-Core conductors and air-tube technology
•Spectacular power and clarity. Absolutely neutral and coherent
•Superb resolution of micro-detail and ambient information
•Powerful dynamic contrasts. Superbly defined and vivid images
Omega Evolution AC Power Cable

More than twice the conductor mass is used in the Omega Evolution, the live run uses 18 rectangular conductors, the neutral run uses 18 rectangular conductors, and the ground run uses 18 conductors where as there is no ground run in the Cobalt. The Omega has more than twice the conductor mass.

Additionally, three low frequency conductors are used are used for each live, neutral and ground (earth) run. The Omega is fully shielded with each live neutral ground runs being separately shielded and then the shields runs are connected electrically. This is a much more powerful dynamic rich clean detailed combination of sound qualities not heard in any other AC power cable
like I said, these are the cables that floored stereophile, no other cable done what the zero and Omega Evolution cables did for them, read the reviews of the 2015 recommended componet's cable section, there is nothing more to say.
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The both of you are finding any thing you can to dirupt this thread, and to discredit Tara labs!, for your history lesson, the cables from years ago was the cheapest models of Tara labs that was in that cable scandal,most during that scandal was made in the U.S., All Tara Labs cables for years now have been made entirly in the U.S.A.!, now you do not want a law suite on your hands do you for spreading false information?, also OCC copper is absolete!, I have told you numerous times that Tara Labs conductor's are superior to the OCC copper, their is trade marks, patenents etc... Tara labs has on their conductor's, everything I have ever posted is true about Tara labs, if I where you I would stop while you are ahead,LOL!, also, if any of you believe that Tara labs bought such reviews is off, some of the other cables scored good as well, Stereophile had something to say about all of them they reviewed, an example of what I am saying is, some audiophiles may not like a organic mid-range sound, if not, do not buy the Tara Labs Evolution Zero and Evolution Omega cables then, there is different tast for different listeners!, the both of you are not worth my time explaining what you do not know or care to know, how about just get these cables to audition, get sick, you know it's over, you will not be the same, you would be embarrassed on how good these cables sound, you know that and I know that, the both of you are just playing games here with me, not going to get any more attention from me, some one else will give you that.
how many times can you not read?, really!, Conductor Information

The RSC Gen 2 (SA-OF8N) Conductor

Super Annealed, Oxygen Free, Eight Nines Copper (SA-OF8N) is the new standard in high performance copper purity.

TARA Labs Rectangular Solid Core® conductors are completely produced in the USA. We start with Oxygen Free Eight Nines Copper (99.999999%), and the copper rods are extruded into long, unbroken, mono-crystal copper rectangular conductors. The conductors are extruded into a unique rectangular shape having specific ‘frequency-tuned’ proportions. Rectangular Solid Core conductors are annealed with a process known as Super Annealing™.

Super Annealing™ or SA, softens the RSC® conductor and increases its conductivity. After annealing, the RSC conductors are polished in-line, and will become finished SA-OF8N® Rectangular Solid Core conductors ready for insulation using advanced polymers or liquid-film technology.

TARA Labs has continuously advanced the design and materials used in its conductor technologies. Previously, in our lower priced consumer grade cables, we were limited to the use of 6N, or six-nines (99.9999%) pure copper and the OCC or Ohno-Continuous Cast copper technologies.

Since the development of Rectangular Solid Core, we have moved beyond these lesser quality materials with the use of higher purity copper and our exclusive USA technologies.
Making Sense of….Gen 3 Conductors

TARA Labs, Inc. has just announced the introduction of its Generation 3 Rectangular Solid Core® conductor, to be used exclusively in its state-of-the-art interconnect cables.

TARA Labs claims that the Gen 3 conductor has an increased bandwidth or high-frequency extension, that makes it unrivalled in important test measurements and listening tests.

TARA Labs’ Vice President of Product Design, Matthew Bond, said that the new Gen 3 conductor has the same current-carrying capability of a 28 gauge conductor but has the high frequency linearity of a 40 gauge conductor.

Matthew Bond explains why this is possible. “In a conductor with a rectangular profile, there is a huge reduction of ‘flux-linkage’ or ‘coupling’ of electromagnetic lines of force. These lines of force are created as the signal (music) passes through any conductor.” Bond said further, “In a round conductor there is a large center that tends to roll-off or attenuate much more of the high frequency information … this does not happen in a Rectangular Solid Core® conductor”.

According to Matthew Bond, the new Gen 3 Rectangular Solid Core® conductor is smaller than the current Gen 2 conductor used in most of TARA Labs’ audio cables. The Gen 2 conductor measures approximately 25 thousands of an inch wide and 12 thousands of an inch in height. Bond says that the Gen 3 conductor is about 66% of the size of the Gen 2 conductor, and that it is Super-Annealed™ to increase its conductivity.

Both the Gen 2 conductor and the smaller Gen 3 conductor are said to be Eight-Nines™ pure copper, which is 99.999999% pure. TARA Labs’ trademarks for this technology are 8N™ and SA-OF8N®. SA-OF8N means Super Annealed – Oxygen Free 8 Nines copper. According to Bond, the term ‘annealing’ refers to the method whereby a conductor can be made softer and more conductive.

TARA Labs is widely known as the leader in cable technology and audio cable design. They are based in Ashland, Oregon. All cables are hand-made in the USA.
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That is why he spends so much time using copy and paste. Every time he tries to get out an independent thought, (as rare and odd as they may be) it turns out like the incoherent rambling above.
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Controlled & Extended Bandwidth Info

If you could improve the sound of your audio system, what would that be? Expansive soundstage? High-frequency detail? Less glare? Warmth & richness?

TARA Labs cables are the perfect match for any audio system, regardless of the combination or complexity of the components you have. If your "sound" needs more detail, more air, expansive soundstage, or if you feel there is too much high-frequency glare, or your sound lacks warmth? Our new Controlled Bandwidth and Extended Bandwidth cables will not only upgrade your sound, but will also enable you to have the perfect relationship between component and cable.

Controlled Bandwidth & Extended Bandwidth Information

TARA Labs is known as one of the worlds' leading manufacturer of high-end audio cables. Currently the business model employed by the company has been one of both technological innovation and design. This ideology has enabled TARA Labs to remain at the cutting edge of the high-end audio industry. With an eye towards continual manufacturing advancements being made in audio components such as speakers and amplifiers, TARA Labs continues to lead the industry in developing new cutting-edge technologies. Our latest research and development has enabled us to create new reference grade audio cables that work extremely well with many of the newly developed materials used in speakers such as Beryllium, Titanium, Kevlar, and Ceramics in addition to standards such as carbon-fiber, fabrics, polypropylene, paper, etc.
TARA Labs are categorized into two lines: Controlled Bandwidth and Extended Bandwidth. These two categories offer a wide range of reference-grade cables that will enable the audiophile to accommodate and upgrade the majority of the high-end audio components available today.

Controlled Bandwidth

The ISM™ OnBoard Series of cables employs the Controlled Bandwidth technology from TARA Labs. The ISM™ OnBoard Series presents a range of cables with more presence, mid-range warmth and richness without sacrificing detail and high frequency extension.
A common misconception is that the words warmer and richer may indicate a sound with smearing or coloration of the upper bass through mid-range frequencies. This is not the case with any of TARA Labs' cables. The sort of smooth or rolled-off sound is found most often with cables that employ filtering such as inductors and resistors found in network filter box designs. By contrast, the sonic signature of a TARA Labs cable is one that is more coherent and natural. The sound is often described as being lifelike with bloom and body.
The ISM™ OnBoard Series of cables is especially recommended for systems that have wide-bandwidth electronics (with limited filtering*), or with systems that use loudspeakers that have a tonal balance that emphasizes the high frequencies. In general the ISM™ OnBoard Series (Controlled Bandwidth) is recommended for systems that are slightly etched sounding or overly detailed, perhaps with a sense of glare.
*Higher frequencies in the RF bandwidth, or Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) can be picked up easily by longer lengths of interconnect cables, especially those with low Capacitance. Connecting this type of cable (especially single-ended) between high-powered solid state amplification can sometimes be a problem with components having limited filtering.

Controlled Bandwidth - Onboard Capsule

The ISM™ OnBoard concept is unlike traditional shielding methods or filter networks. Even complex shielding methods still remain in proximity to the conductors, thereby distorting the audio signal. Filter networks in boxes at the ends of the cables often contain low quality resistors, inductors and capacitors to perform the filtering. These reduce RFI/EMI in the cable itself by being soldered in series and parallel between the signal conductors. This alters the integrity of the signal, in particular, the higher order harmonic structure of the music.

In the ISM™ OnBoard system, RFI/EMI is dissipated and absorbed within the OnBoard capsule. This function occurs in isolation from the signal conductors.

The signal path is not cut and fitted with additional components. The OnBoard capsule is effective in eliminating the noise of RFI/EMI without the attendant high-frequency anomalies of filter networks.

Extended Bandwidth

What this means is that the cable design employs a cable construction that takes advantage of the electrical characteristics such as Capacitance and Inductance. For example, we can reduce the Inductance in a simple conductor by changing its size, and in the case of a Rectangular Solid Core(R) the shape of the conductor can reduce the Inductance in the conductor. By reducing the Capacitance value in an Interconnect cable, we can extend the high frequency detail. These factors, including reducing the dielectric construction in a cable will make the cable sound more open and neutral.
The Extended Bandwidth Series of cables is recommended for most audio systems. A very good example of the EX cable design philosophy is the Air Series of cables from TARA Labs. In most systems, the Extended Bandwidth cables deliver a sound that is more revealing, open, neutral and transparent.
Most audio electronics use filtering and do not amplify extremely high frequencies such as RF/EMI. The best loud-speaker systems are generally phase coherent and do not sound forward or overly harsh, or even bright. However there are some combinations of audio electronics and loudspeakers that create strain or glare in the sound.

Extended Bandwidth – w/HFX Floating Ground Station

The HFX Floating Ground Station is an extraordinary component that is included with all reference Extended bandwidth interconnect cables. TARA Labs proprietary ground station is made of mil-spec aluminum alloy. Our specific metallurgical properties allow for the reduction of RF and electromechanical resonance; EMI/RFI. It's 18.23% heavier and stronger than aircraft-grade stock. Equipped within the HFX station is a patented ceramic composite of metallic oxides and an amalgam of mineral elements in a ceramic binder called "Ceralex." Because the HFX functions completely outside of the signal path, its ability to dissipate and eliminate the effects of EMI/ RFI (Electromagnetic interference & Radio frequency interference) which also includes sonic distortion, noise, "snow", and lack of image clarity. The appearance of the HFX station is one of beauty and elegance, in addition to its superb performance.
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Although many know how important the conductor's are, what everyone does not realize is the dielectric's of Tara Labs is trade marked and patenent for many reason's, the dielectric's of these cable's are the forefront of technology today, the new teflon film of the two top cable's is the first in the industry, a film is far better than a normal insertation of teflon material, tara labs has used teflon for many tears, however, it's the way it is made and the way it is used that makes a big difference among cable leaders in the high-end industry today, owe it to your self, go and hear what's possible with the new model Tara Labs cables, the best may cost money, but you clearly hear the difference!

Insulating materials exposed to electric fields are called "dielectrics." Dielectrics are necessary parts in the construction of any cable because they prevent oxidation and keep the conductors from touching one another. In audio cables, relatively low voltage and current levels mean that dielectric strength is not the most important factor. Far more significant in its effect on the sound is a material's dielectric absorption. This characteristic describes the way a dielectric may discharge a secondary signal into the conductor out of phase with the audio signal.

As a current is passed through a conductor, an electromagnetic field is created which interacts with the dielectric material and temporarily displaces the molecular structure. If the dielectric material has good elasticity and can return quickly to its normal state, then the material is said to have low dielectric hysteresis or loss and will have little audible effect on the signal.
Having read many of your posts, I doubt "you" actually wrote the piece on "Dielectric" above. I am sure you copied and pasted from the web or an email from your company (Tara Labs).

I am not sure of your intentions here, but I have a haunch you are doing this to gain empathy from Tara Labs for kickbacks (may be, free/hugely discounted cables or $$$$$). You might as well become a dealer for all the time and effort you put in here.

If any of you audition Tara labs Evolution line cable's, please give your impressions here for all to read and understand, cheers
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Most cables are very system dependent, however, over the years, I have found Tara Labs works good with many systems, tubes systems especially, not many brands of cables I have tried can work with alot of systems out there, Tara Labs is the only company I know of that has extended band width and controlled band with cables to accommodate nearly all systems, cheers.
Yes, it's a copy and paste from Tara Labs white paper on the third in a series of cable design. Wouldn't one think a credit is due naming its source? Might prevent a legal issue in the future.
"03-31-15: Audiolabyrinth
If any of you audition Tara labs Evolution line cable's, please give your impressions here for all to read and understand, cheers"

< Better in fresh new thread, this one is way too long and convoluted, imo. cheers
FWIW, the main reason that "white papers" exist is because no reputable scientific or technical journal would publish that mumbo-jumbo.
Thanks for the info. I am wondering when Tara Labs will finally put breaks on these loose wheels. What a wasted 4ool.
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Hi zephr24069, I am in the middle of some personal issues, however, you may call krell and talk to Patrick Bresnahan, he will tell you I have a modded krell 700 CX, and you may call Devon Scott vice president of Tara Labs, he will confirm that I have the zero gold I/C and Cobalt power cord with oyaide terminations, Omega Gold 8ft speaker cables, and call Joe at Audio Visor that I have the lovely sounding Vincent cd-s7 cd- player running direct to my amp, this is a tube hybred solid state player with 3 tubes, one is in the power supply, and I have special made that is not on the Tara Labs site,Omega jumper cables on my vintage JBL modded L-7 speakers, all this has Furutech GTX Rhodium out let's on it with the Furutech wall frames, changed the stainless none magnetic wood thread screws out for 8-32 highly magnetic zinc 2 inch screws to a huge prevail, also every thing is on dedicated lines times 2, with a 30 amp single pole breaker on the Krell amp, which, BTW, was the best money ever for cheap for that breaker that I have spent in 35 years in audio, the 20 amp breaker was chocking the amp, it is a big performance difference of sound in every way, also, the amp runs cooler and effortless beyond what I ever thought possible, cheers.
Just don't get it.
Personal issues.. no time snapping few pics to set own virtual system page, yet, all the time in the world nursing this dreadfully long thread day-in/out?
C'mon, save Zephyr the trouble calling around too. ;)
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Zephyr24069, any one who has talked to me or knows me understands what I have for a system, I have never posted a system page!, I do not care too,LOL, I do a lot of changes, also, I do not care to explain my self to anyone that is not interested in a real conversation about audio, unlike the couple that is a disease to this very informative thread, you can also E-mail me if you like, cheers.
Tara Labs is in the Stereophile recommended components 2015, the second from the flagship cable model, The Evolution Zero interconnect and Evolution Omega speaker cable is the favorite cables of all by stereophile magazine and digital version of Stereophile, read all of the cable reviews, interesting to say the least!
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I will continue to be an asset to many concerning Tara Labs ,just yesterday, I got a phone call from a friend of mine that has his own product, and sales other high end audio, he contacted me concerning Tara Labs cables, he is in the position to become a Tara Labs cable dealer, he wanted my advise, we talked for a while, this is because of this thread, that is how we become friends, this thread is of interest to many, with this many views, emails, phone calls,etc..., I'm enjoying what I do!, me and this thread is not going any where!, everyone is welcome here concerning a positive conversation about Tara Labs and etc..., cheers to the many that know me and are my friends.
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John, can you change the outlets in your running springs audio Dmitri model?, if so, as good as you like it, I would put the Furutech GTX-Rhodium wpo's, wall power outlets inside of that conditioner my self if I were you, what do you think?, a lot of audiophile's like these wpo's in that position, don't know if you value my opinion, however, I own them along with the wall frame's my self, so does my Buddy Ken, you know him as Sabai on Audiogon, cheers.
Steve, you know my name, you think it's about time to be civil here and everyone get along, we are mature grown men, anyway, my friend is highly respected as I am in this hobby of high end audio, he is not interested in the top cable's at this time, he asked me about the Tara Labs The One and 0.8 cable's, he may not even carry them, he is thinking about it, cheers to you Steve.
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