Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Just don't get it.
Personal issues.. no time snapping few pics to set own virtual system page, yet, all the time in the world nursing this dreadfully long thread day-in/out?
C'mon, save Zephyr the trouble calling around too. ;)
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Zephyr24069, any one who has talked to me or knows me understands what I have for a system, I have never posted a system page!, I do not care too,LOL, I do a lot of changes, also, I do not care to explain my self to anyone that is not interested in a real conversation about audio, unlike the couple that is a disease to this very informative thread, you can also E-mail me if you like, cheers.
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I will continue to be an asset to many concerning Tara Labs ,just yesterday, I got a phone call from a friend of mine that has his own product, and sales other high end audio, he contacted me concerning Tara Labs cables, he is in the position to become a Tara Labs cable dealer, he wanted my advise, we talked for a while, this is because of this thread, that is how we become friends, this thread is of interest to many, with this many views, emails, phone calls,etc..., I'm enjoying what I do!, me and this thread is not going any where!, everyone is welcome here concerning a positive conversation about Tara Labs and etc..., cheers to the many that know me and are my friends.