Tariffs and sky high audio prices.

With the Chinese tariffs taking hold on 100% of the imports and maybe even on Mexico forthcoming, the audio industry is going to see another big jump in their sky high prices. Anyone making purchases ASAP to get lower prices from existing inventory before post tariff products enter the marketplace?
Can we try to keep the topic related to  Audio again? Please. 
Well, there goes the neighborhood. 😄

But, in keeping within the parameters of the topic, the price of audio from China as it relates to tariffs, I can't wait for some sanity to somehow creep back into the minds of those who understand American tariff laws and how they are legally enacted, as a countervailing force to the imbecilic and illegal way it's been recently done.

All of this is a made up crisis, our economy be damned. 

All the best,

Why are you angry? When were you last happy? 

Tariffs are a direct result of not understanding economics and free trade. Its really not complex if a country is trying to be a good partner and reasonable.

A few truths:

1) Tariffs are paid by people who still buy stuff even after a tariff has been levied. Think about that for a moment. Don’t like tariffs, don’t buy the stuff. If you are ambivalent, keep buying or don’t keep buying.

2) There has never been a tariff levied among reasonable equals since the beginning of time that hasn’t escalated. Eventually, cooler heads prevail. Sometimes it takes triggering the 1929 stock market crash which, in turn, triggering the great depression to get the attention of the decision makers.

3) In a moral society, the tariffs collected would be paid out those most adversely affected by the necessity that triggered the tariff in the first place. They are hardly free market, free enterprise or intelligent.

4) What happened with the recent steel tariffs? USA steel companies raised their prices to parity...to match the price of Chinese steel plus the new tariffs. Outside of our borders, do you believe the USA steel companies are holding the line on those prices or do you believe they are competing internationally by pricing their product fairly? So, USA steel is sold into the international market for less than you can buy it here.

5) In point 4, the shortsighted pricing action taken actually renders the tariff completely ineffective. If both steel beams are priced similarly, then its about specs, quantity, price locks and deliverability. Had the USA steel providers left their prices alone, not one ounce of Chinese steel would be purchased.

Once again, we should all suck it up and pull together. @inna your posts just seethe anger, maybe I’m reading too much into it but anyway....

Read intelligent writings that DIFFER from what you presently believe. If you only read the blog of someone touting alt currencies from Panama or if you only read your Costa Rican off the grid live off the land guru you are missing some stuff. If you are far right, read some reasonable writings from the other side. Its not important if you agree but it is important that you understand. We shouldn’t be so self assured, we should be objective. For every Tienimen, there is Wounded Knee or Kent State or Homestead. They are all equally bad but sitting around wringing your hands and griping isn’t going to solve anything. 

If someone voted for those in office, then the tariffs are their cross to bear. Learn from it and vote differently. In between, nobody gives a darn how angry and disenfranchised you may feel. Fix it, get happy and realize that you can choose to make a difference today or you can choose not to....but make no mistake, its a choice you are making!
It is related to Audio, we are making noises especially gh with his dilettante lecturing. 
Thanks for the primer. 👍

The next time we hear "There’s a new tariff in town," think, for a minute.

All the best,