Tariffs and sky high audio prices.

With the Chinese tariffs taking hold on 100% of the imports and maybe even on Mexico forthcoming, the audio industry is going to see another big jump in their sky high prices. Anyone making purchases ASAP to get lower prices from existing inventory before post tariff products enter the marketplace?
Keep drinking that Cruel-Aid Pepe and you’ll have all the folk from 4chan and 8chan over here in no time. I’ve never seen someone so openly delusional as you. I’ve read about them but to have you representing views that have been laughed out of the mainstream press is disheartening, to say the least.

What's next? Green frog and nazi avatars?

All the best,
SO ... does anyone else like Laurindo Almeida? There are two albums in particular that every audiophile, regardless of KoolAid preference, should have. They are both direct-to-disc and of fidelity ne plus ultra. The first is LA4 ’Just Friends’, on Concord Jazz 1978. It showcases Laurindo Almeida with Bu dShanks, Ray Brown and Jeff Hamilton. The other is Ray Brown & Laurindo Almeida ’Moonlight Serenade’ on Jeton Records, 1981.

We may have our different interpretations of the same facts, but we all share a particular passion for great music superbly reproduced!
I picked up a hint of Django Reinhardt in his playing, minus the frenzy he was fond of. Also, he does a nice interpretation of Claire de Lune.
Brennan and Comey charged by whom? A valid court indictment or a birther indictment?

For the record it wasnt a George Washington joke...it was actually a Sesame Street reference... “which one of these is not like the other”? Probably shouldnt have been so vague, apologies. History will show a neck and neck race between the current occupant of the white house, Andrew Johnson and James Buchanan as the worst president in history. Im betting on the current occupant because, well, he more huger!

Can we all find some common ground? Surely there is something we can agree on. Like a bi-partisan 7-1 approval of Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court during the last year of Johnsons presidency. What about tubes absolutely kill solid state?
Speaking of fascists, there was a 75th Anniversary of allied forces landing in Normandy two days ago. That was a bloody and decisive campaign.
Any WWII veterans among us ?