tech help w/ Marantz dv8300

Marantz dv8300 was working fine. My daughter put a dvd in and the menues for said dvd came up then screen went black and tray opened. The dvd player display say pgm error and the tv screen says no ID #. I unplugged it and plugged back in, it powers up and says marantz then goes back to pgm error and the tray wont even open anymore. My friend pushed play and pause and the code is 000 190473. I don't know if that is the error code or not. Would really appreciate any help.
Thanks Dan,
Thats what I'm debating. I'm hoping someone might know that code. I love the player and don't really want to spend the money, but I'm down to playing CDs on my Sony dvd through an ancient Audio Alchemy DAC.
I happen to have one of these myself, have used it daily for nearly ten years without a problem, for what that's worth. The only thing I can suggest is try resetting the player. To do this, press and hold the stop button while pressing the power on button. If that doesn't work, most likely the disc transport may have gone bad. A new transport can be put in for around $150, it's your call if you want to spend that much on that old a player.

Best of luck,