Technics 1200 MK2 vs Technics SL-1210GR

Hi everyone,
I’d like to hear opinions from members that upgraded from the original Technics1200 to the new Technics SL-1210GR. Is there a noticeable improvement in performance that justifies the price increase?
I own the GR along with vintage tables. The GR for the price, can't be beat. So easy to swap out carts. Stable. Always spinning perfectly. 
An interesting case can be made for the recent Technics turntables by doing a search for "Marc Phillips Tone Audio Magazine Technics 1200". Mr. Phillips back in 2006 took it upon himself to demonstrate the obvious poor quality of the ubiquitous Technics 1200 vs the far superior tables made by such as Rega. To be fair, he did actually buy one and live with it but, at least for me, there was something about his attitude and style of writing that I couldn't get past. He spent a lot of time making his dislike for the table known over a period of years-anyone researching the 1200 will come across at least one of his tirades.. Arguably one the best known Technics bashers. .

 Guess what he has now for his personal table? Yep, a Technics 1200G! 

brilliant :)) 
What jbrrp1 wrote is telling. A new Cosmos costs many times more than a new GR.
Thanks for that Knollbrent.  The 1200GR is in my sites early next month.  I had a Denon TT died not long ago.  I have vintage SL-1210MKII with a Jelco arm but it's got a lot of hard miles on it. BTW, Good Looking system!
I have a GR and thought I would upgrade in a couple of years. I have no desire to upgrade. In my opinion, higher end cartridges and phono pre would be a logical step before even thinking about upgrading the table itself.