Technics moving all turntable production to Malaysia

I haven’t seen this reported anywhere. Heard it first from a dealer and now have confirmed it with Technics directly:

All turntables, even the SL-1000R, are leaving Japan and moving to a new facility in Malaysia. Everything’s going under one roof. Technics is halted now and they’ll start up the new production line in Malaysia on April 1. 

If the product is the same then that’s what matters most, but this definitely marks the end of an era and I’m sure the reaction will be mixed.
Can you give us anything specific on the quality VS the made in Japan units? A pic of the mfg sticker is not cutting it.
I remember shamefully being relieved my Boxster was built in Germany (by real Germans!) instead of Finland. Super nuts, but oh well.
No that is super sensible. What is nuts is the PC virtue signaling has you so in its spell you don't understand nobody builds cars like the Germans, and no Germans build cars like Porsche. That is an achievement to be acknowledged and celebrated not derided and diminished with phony baloney political posturing.

Further proof it is proficiency and talent and nothing else, even within Porsche there are the GT cars. Those are never built anywhere else, the talent and expertise to build a GT3RS simply does not exist anywhere else on Earth. Heck just the PDK transmission is so sophisticated not even Porsche factory trained techs can work on one anywhere else but the factory. It is just disgusting to think anyone would see this as anything other than a profoundly impressive human accomplishment. Like all profound accomplishments not everyone can do it. If they could it would be common not exceptional. There is no shame in exceptionalism. There is pride. Not shame. Pride.

Okay I trust you get the point. You don't of course that is the whole problem when ideology takes the place of reason. But at least now you can no longer say you didn't know.
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I remember that same feeling whenI unboxed my new Revel and they said Made in Indonesia.......