My Grado Sonata HO is sounding very nice after about 10 hours now. IMO, this would be an excellent choice especially since you play mostly acoustic type stuff.
I have a Denon 103. It sounded just OK on my Technics until I installed it a KAB damper.That tightened up the bass and cleared up the highs on the 103 making it much more engaging. On the other hand, the damper did nothing one way or the other for my Hana EL. The damper is a good investment if you are planning to use a lot of carts.
I have used Miyajima for mono. I have a Premium for mono vinyl but prefer using a Phasemation. I do use a Miyajima Spirit for 78s. I mostly use the phono on my Luxman 507UX which is quite good. For 78s, I use a mono pre with different EQ settings.