Technics SP-10 MKIIA tonearms

What tonearms will fit onto a Technics SP-10 MKIIA with the original Obsidian plinth, other than the EPA-100? Thanks.

Showing 2 responses by lencotweaker

You can even fit the Jelco SA-750lb 12" onto the SH-B3 "Obsidian" plinth. I had to make a new armboard from aluminum plate though and you need to measure precisely to get the correct spindle/pivot while ensuring you get the arm as far to the right as you can so that the back of the arm does not foul the lid. It's a tight fit but it can be done if you are careful. It's documented with photos on the Hifi Wigwam site.
If you can get hold of a mk3 at a sensible price then at the very least it's an investment given the way mk3 prices are going. Would make a very lovely table with a bit of TLC.