I own an A/B 105lb. amp. I love it, but I don’t have zip against class D newer technology. There are just too many good reviews now saying the sound quality is superb with the tone, color weight, and dynamics, and over-the-top musical. Class D is not the class D from 10 years or so ago, this is like saying Vinyl stills sound like they did in the 1930s, turntables still looked the same, CD still sounds like it did in the early ’80s, no everything new technology improves and digital bashing is no longer justified. As I age my next amp will be Class D, I no longer want to pick up a 105lb amp at some point. Time marches on and new technologies continue to move forward, soon most cars will be battery-powered, can sit and look back but that will not stop where audio is going, and those making Class a or Class A/B amp will soon be making class D amps that sound good, Jeff Rowland for one saw the benefits many years ago. Now Technics, Mola Mola, are making 1st class, class D amps that may take our systems up to a level we never imaged possible. These products are not cheap either and well made.