You,I and possibly others may be a little crazy for loving our old technology SET and SEP amps but here is my take on this.
Eighty years later, vacuum tubes, and especially triodes, continue to be the lowest distortion amplifying elements ever made. No germanium or silicon transistor, JFET, Mosfet or Sit has ever approached the distortion performance of the direct-heated triodes, with indirect-heated triodes following closely behind. In addition to low distortion in the absolute sense, the distortion spectra of triodes is favorable, with a rapid fall-off of the upper harmonics. (This is less true for beam tetrodes, pentodes, or solid-state devices, which are intrinsically less linear and have higher-order distortion curves.)
This performance is with a Set amp running in their sweet spot of output which is 20 to 30% of that particular amps output pwr as a general rule for the very best sound.
This is were the best purity of sound "May" come from for folks that like these kind of Amps.
Even though I enjoy all kinds of different amps,including a Lyngdorf 2170 which I will get in about a week to try,my ears always have lead me back to certain kinds of Set amps.There is just a magical engaging sound that no other topology can quite match.
I have recently found that I like the JJ 2a3-40 new production single plate tube vs several brands of nos dual plate 2a3's,even more natural,organic,level of purity.
When it comes to solid state amps,my FW sit2 push pull and the F7 are the closet and best sounding SS amps that I have owned or ever heard yet.
So in about a week or so I will be able to directly compare my new Aric audio 2a3 set that makes 8 watts vs the 2170 in my system.
If I keep the 2170 for my main system I will use all tube gear in my man cave smaller system.
Again this is a highly personal and subjective subject and there is no right or wrong just different flavors of that coffee available to us Individually for our enjoyment of music,that we love,playback in our homes.
I greatly appreciate the maturity level on this thread and I personally learn and gain knowledge from all the different opinions even though I may not always agree either.