I ove this speakers , on my set up they sound really very dynamic and easy to listen. Is there anyway to replace their tweeters to improve them? I do love the design of the impact.Thanks
Gerryg this is not even close to mild, other Tekton threads were deleted because they cross the line .
Post removed 
Can someone please explain why an entire thread was deleted instead of just the offending post(s)?
Am I allowed to ask this question?

I think you're allowed to ask any reasonable question until a manufacturer threatens legal action.  The mods want no part of that regardless of the frivolity of the claim.

jjs49 "Lambo"? Before you know it, you could be driving a Rabbit!

haha dan, my only point in citing lambo as the outcome of starting with some seemingly minor mods on a perfectly decent porsche, was referencing a parallel to the op’s stated desire to upgrade the tweeters of his speakers

lambos to me are total cartoon cars, all ’look at me’ flash -- though in modern times they have become audis underneath, so the underlying engineering ergonomics performance have all improved considerably, and so even if one does end up in a rabbit or a lambo it is all in the extended family now 👍🏻👍🏻

to me the true ’reference’ sports car will always be a porsche, be it a gt3 or gt4... though i am perhaps less than 100% objective on this subject having been a pca nat’l track instructor for many years, with love and respect for what pag-sleds old or new are capable of
You should direct your inquiry to the moderators. My observation is that they don’t like to "babysit" a thread. When one becomes problematic, they’ll often delete or close it.


Hooey, the OPs delete 99% of the threads.. You guys got the moderators ALL wrong..

People delete their own post and cry the victim all the time.

People hit the report button and (Software) deletes the post. I’m not sure if active scanning is done by the software but the auto deletion looks and sees certain things, AND BAMB it gone, the sender get a notice and UNLESS you protest to a live human (Tammy) you won’t get it reinstated.

Whole Threads are removed by moderators because of revenue loss to the person or company being talked about.. I’d delete the CRAP too.

State your case don’t tell people NOT to buy something, I’d band people in a heart beat for that kind of product bashing I’ve seen HERE..

Name calling, calling OTHER people shills, and frauds. One warning is all they would get and By By..

The saviors of the world. Even when they don’t want to be saved (Master M)
