@danvignau jjs49 "Lambo"? Before you know it, you could be driving a Rabbit!
haha dan, my only point in citing lambo as the outcome of starting with some seemingly minor mods on a perfectly decent porsche, was referencing a parallel to the op’s stated desire to upgrade the tweeters of his speakers
lambos to me are total cartoon cars, all ’look at me’ flash -- though in modern times they have become audis underneath, so the underlying engineering ergonomics performance have all improved considerably, and so even if one does end up in a rabbit or a lambo it is all in the extended family now 👍🏻👍🏻
to me the true ’reference’ sports car will always be a porsche, be it a gt3 or gt4... though i am perhaps less than 100% objective on this subject having been a pca nat’l track instructor for many years, with love and respect for what pag-sleds old or new are capable of