Telarc 1812 revisited

I've posted several threads about the trackability of this record and have received many scholarly answers, with emphasis on physics, geometry, compliance, weight, angles,price and all sorts of scientific explanations about tonearms, cartridges, VTA, etc, etc. Let's cut to the chase: I have a 1970's Pioneer 540 in the garage I bought for $5 at a thrift store plus an Audio Technica cartridge for which I paid $30 This combo. tracks the Telarc 1812 perfectly without problems while my $4000 Rega and $1200 Project bounce out of the grooves.. I'd really finally like to get some explanation and resolution as to this discrepanccy
Dear Boofer: There are some today cartridges that I experienced can track the 1812: Denon S1, Linn Akiva, Wilson Bensh all these LOMC and from the past: FR MCX-5 or the Satin M21 or the Ortofon MC 2000 ( LOMCs. ).

As I posted almost all belongs on the cartridge overall design.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Interesting. I forgot some recent cartridges which could track the Telarc 1812: a Goldring 1022 GX and 1042, mounted in a Music Hall 5.1 SE. I'm sure there are more out there, but even more that cannot. I wrote the editors of our 2 most popular high end stereo magazines; one did not respond; the other one said that the industry in the last 20 or 30 years has been concentrating on sound and neglecting tracking ability.
You guys peaked my curiosity about the Telarc 1812. I have a much older version: Eugene Ormandy conducting the Philadelphia Orchestra, recorded on Columbia Masterwork. Also including the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and cannons courtesy of the Valley Forge Military Academy. Spectacular recording. Now I have to source the Telarc version.

Raul ... do you think gizmo will be able to track the Telarc?? VPI Classic plinth, with Classic 3 tonearm upgrade. The cartridge is the Lyra Kleos (MC).

So far, no apparent problems with the rest of my LP collection.
Dear Boofer: ++++ " has been concentrating on sound and neglecting tracking ability. " ++++

what that magazine editor said makes no sense to me because tracking ability is a main parameter/characteristic for better or worse sound.
Maybe he does not understand the whole subject or I missed something here.

Regrads and enjoy the music,
My Benz Ref/SME tonearm combo has no issues tracking it. I remember buying the Telarc 1812 record back around 1980. I had an AT something ML, I believe, cartridge on my Kenwood TT back then. It tracked the record too. I saw it demo'ed once back in the early 80's on a high end rig, however, that could not track it. Raul, I think the cartridge/tonearm resonance frequency also needs to be in the optimum range, ie. around 10Hz, in order to not get overly excited when tracking those crazy cannon fire grooves.