2) Thou shall not brag about any audio equipments that thou have which are better than those of other audiogon members;
3) Thou shall not make for thyself any DIY audio equipments that thou shall bow down to them and worship them;
4) Thou shall not make wrongful use of the name of any high end audio brand, for Audiogon will not aquit anyone who misuses the name;
5) Thou shall reserve one full day for pure audio pursuit, and for six other days thou shall labor and do all thy work;
6) Thou shall not steal any audio equipment;
7) Thou shall not commit audio adultery - that is having two or more audio components or systems of the same type that you are playing with or listening to;
8) Thou shall not murder any audio equipments, regardless of how much you dislike them, such as slandering or vilifying them on audiogon posting, internet blogs, word of mouth, etc.;
9) Thou shall honor the audio ancestry of thy equipment, so that your audio days may be long and that it may go well with you in audio land that Audiogon is giving you;
10) Thou shall not have any other audio forums other than Audiogon!