Tenor Audio

Does anybody have any working contact information for Tenor? Their phones are disconnected it seems. Thanks.

I considered purchasing one of these amps, after listening to a pair at the Montreal Audio show last year.

Then I said to myself, why should I shell out 30k on a relatively new company, with no track record, and is spending tons of money on marketing. Probably chewing up their cash faster than they can sell their amps.

Lucky Lucky me, I'm glad I bought something else instead !

Phewwww, that was close !
TENOR IS BACK! Updates are finally posted. No need to search for alternate service.
Well, not quite. The 2-line post states that they "will finally be in a position to service all products by the end of next week." So I suppose this is an announcement of their intention to be "back" in the near future. My breath, she does not hold, but my hope, she lives.

It seems there are good news for Tenor users. They have placed the following message in www.tenoraudio.com:

 Tenor is back
After many weeks of restructuring, Tenor  will finally be in a position to service all products by the end of next week. Please keep posted for further details.