Teres 265 or 320 vs. Sota Cosmos

I am looking at picking up a new Turntable. As of right now I'm guessing either would be equipped with a Triplaner arm and the ZYX Airy 2.

BUT anyway has anyone had the chance to do a direct comparison between these models? What differences did you notice, and how would you compare them?

Any insight would be appreciated!
Hi NRCHY,I and a friend,both,own a COSMOS series III.We have Graham 2.2's.I did own a Wheaton,but had some mounting problems,so had to sell it.What I can say about the COSMOS,and in CAPITAL LETTERS,is that it is an incredible design/performer/value for the money.The current SOTA ownership(actually they were around from the beginning,two decades ago)are very dedicated to their customers,and do incredible work with the current product line.

The fit and finish on my series III is in the class of the MUCH MORE EXPENSIVE products,and IMO the COSMOS could sell for much more money.I have discussed the pricing with the owners,who feel,STRONGLY,on marketing a fairly priced product,based on their costs,rather than on prices generated by great "PRESS"!!What more could I say?I'm sure the ownership of the other competitors feel as strongly,and probably with good reason,as well.Best of luck!!!
What mounting problems did you have with the triplaner? What version was the Wheaton?
Dear Nrchy: Other than Sirspeedy post, I think that the vacumm hold record is a great plus on the Sota Cosmos against not only Teres but any TT with out it.

If you are looking for a great music reproduction cartridge I think that you can do better that with the ZYX if you try elsewhere: Dynavector XV-1, Transfiguration W/V, Allaerts Boron/MC2 or Van denHul Colibri/Condor.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Nrchy,my "former"dealer screwed up,in that the (older)Wheaton and cartridge combo could not be "Lowered" enough,to allow for a correct VTA.The Cosmos that I had,at the time(not the new one),had a fairly low armboard,in the arm reservoir.This caused the Wheaton(a great arm,BTW)to sit way too low,and Herb Papier,rest his soul,had to make a "shim" for the arm.This could not cut it,and it cost me "bucks" to sell it.The current 2.2 is a perfect match,but,to me there are quite a few great/interesting arms around.

One word about the Vacuum.Through the years,competition has used the "eventually causes noisey records" marketing ploy,to knock vacuum systems.What a joke!!I,and my pal,have had vacuum set-ups for well over 18 years.I have a very extensive LP collection,consisting of the vast majority of the Decca/EMI/Mercury original pressings.I have NEVER had a single pop or click,that I could attribute to vacuum.I DO keep the platter surface totally clean,though.Believe it or not,a nice soft facial make-up brush does a great job.If CD had not taken off,as it did,There would be numerous designers employing vacuum today.In the Cosmos,the vacuum sensor is SO good,that once it detects a seal,it immediately resorts to very low pressure,in order to keep that seal.How much pressure do you think a screw down clamp places on the LP?Yet these have been marketed ad nauseum.

Also,boy do I sound like a salesman,here,sorry,the Cosmos construction IS what a really good table should be constructed from.Inert,stable,and rigid,with a GREAT and well designed suspension too.A great armboard as well(A very important aspect,there).No plexiglass platter/construction etc.Though this can,and is viable,it is generally used because it is cheap to work with,and profitable to the mfgr.Use common sense when making a choice.Look at the materials used by Rockport,SME etc.You'll make the right choice.I'm sure.Best of luck!!BTW,the Oracle is a cute/proven design too.And GORGEOUS to look at!!It's in the right price range,as well.As in," fairly priced"!!