Teres 265 or 320 vs. Sota Cosmos

I am looking at picking up a new Turntable. As of right now I'm guessing either would be equipped with a Triplaner arm and the ZYX Airy 2.

BUT anyway has anyone had the chance to do a direct comparison between these models? What differences did you notice, and how would you compare them?

Any insight would be appreciated!
Raul,based on my initial question,and your honest response to me,I can surmise that it isn't really fair for you to dismiss the ZYX UNIV cartridge(that has gotten an almost overwhelming degree of enthusiasm)until you have REALLY lived with one(and spent your own money on it,which "forces" us ALL to put a bit more into getting it "spot on")for a lenghth of time.

There are way too many parameters to consider before drawing a conclusion,as you have.Please try to follow my logic here,you may begin to see things in a differing light,that may make you a better hobbyist,and better received by other(experienced)hobbyists!

Example:I have had my Tranny for about 1.5 yrs(of light use,due to long equip update waiting time).I have an evolving dial in process that has changed EVERY time I make an update,or change to my system.This literally re-voices the set-up with each change.Like a new type of line cleaner(my PS Audio Ultimate Outlets),new turntable mods(major update by SOTA).I even sent my Audio Research SP-15(after owning the SP-8,10,and 11,and feeling the most potential,for me, lied in the 15)to Great Northern Sound for a complete REBUILD,where I was given my own(to MY tastes)choices of caps in the power supply,line section,and phonostage.For each stage I chose a different cap(Elna/Black Gate/Infinicap etc).You get the point.I have also,made TOO numerous other mods/changes to virtually ALL my stuff,so the set-up is really one of a kind,and NOT the latest picture in TAS or the latest "favorite" by some reviewer!And that is the way I want it.

I have,as an "ad-nauseum" ongoing process,continued to mod and refine my set-up,as per the fact that a friend has the EXACT system(except his Kharma,and my Avalon speakers)and he loves to throw money at the system.I like to use him as my guinea pig(he has no kids,so the money spent is no big deal to him).I add those things that sound good to me.A nice little arrangement,if you're me!!Though the pre-amp and SOTA mods were my idea!!

Each time I have done a mod/refinement(I have done stuff that my friend may have liked,but if I did not care for the sound,even if it cost me $$$,it was dumped,and fast)I have been able to carefully get a bit more from my phono front end.You have heard it before.Each cleaning of the haze(no matter how little),reveals a new,yet smaller and more annoying one.Yet each time I have ben able to "slightly" re-voice the table/arm/cartridge interface.Now,until last week,I was NEVER completely happy,because I have a friend who has a PERFECT analog set-up,and he has multiple pressings of the orig. recordings(all the biggies,and then some/plenty).To add to this he knows the music like he was there at it's creation.Believe it or not,he actually was,in some cases.He also knows Wilma Cozart,and a few other serious folks.So,when he takes out a pressing or FIVE(literally)of the same album,and can point out the extreme differences in a particulr musical thread,between a 1s,2s/6s stamper(for ex.)or the diff between a U.S. vs English vs Canadian vs German vs Italian vs French pressing( get the point) and still points out PERTINENT musical and production aspects,one really listens to him,and his system,ALOT!!

Now I have recently added 3 new phono tubes (the only tubes in the set-up,which significantly change the "flavor" of the sound,that I vary to MY tastes,only).So,for the umpteenth time I have locked myself in my listening room,and re-dialed the voicing of my LP set-up again.Hopefully for the last time,in a good couple of months,I think!!

Well,my point being--Unless I'm completely incompetent(a possibility,that exists),the voicing parameters,that a REAL fanatic(which many of us are,sadly)actually goes through takes what seems like EONS!So,to dismiss a product like the ZYX UNIVERSE, as you have, really does not take into account the INARGUABLE fact that it's owners may have #1-Been more careful than you may have(in set-up),since they spent their own money on it(I didn't see a UNIV in your collection).#2Have differing performance characteristics,from their existing systems,that may bring out the finer details of it's design.#3Have differing tastes than you,that migrates towards what the UNIV offers.#4Have less revealing systems than you,which is why you feel there is a problem,with the cartridge.Or #5 Have MORE revealing systems than you,which allows them to hear something in the design,that you cannot!!

I have no idea myself,but since my set-up is probably incapable of ascertaining that cartridges "MAGIC" I have NO interest in the matter!

Best of luck to all!
Thank you Sirspeedy and Cello. I have learned a lot from your posts. The TT issue is settled since I have ordered the Cosmos. As soon as I have the money together I will be ordering the ZYX Airy 3. Your comments have been very helpful. $ for $ the Zyx seems to be a giant killer, but at a David sized price in comparison.
Dear Sir5speedy: Like you ( I like everything almost perfect but I'm not obsessed about. I like to have time to enjoy the music ) I'm " always " looking for a " tweaks/up-grade " for to have a better quality music reproduction ( btw, you have to try the V-caps in all your audio items. Recomended !!! ). But I'm very " lucky " about because till today, during the voicing after the up-grade , I never have the necessity to do a change in the cartridge mounting parameters ( exception when I change a tonearm/cartridge combination ) and always could " know " for sure if that " up-grade/tweak " was really an improvement and enjoy it or not.

+++++ " Raul,based on my initial question,and your honest response to me,I can surmise that it isn't really fair for you to dismiss the ZYX UNIV cartridge( " +++++

I respect you point of view and here I remember what you already post on this thread:

+++++ " the hobby,and equally extensive experience gives him the confidence to make these statements.We,others ,on the otherhand,are free to NOT agree,and Raul is equally free to offer his opinions.Some will be correct,and some not. " +++++

Your final statements on your last post are a universal ones and there are more issues to add about. But what tell me those statements ?: that we can't do any statement over any subject because there are too many differents " issues " between two peoples and between two audio systems ? . Come on Sirspeedy !!!!!

+++++ " since they spent their own money on it ... " +++++

Sirspeedy I know that . Larry, Doug or any other happy ZYX owner my next statements/subjects/issues about ZYX has nothing to do with any " bad feeling " from my part to any of you or any one and it's only an effort trying to help and " be better ":

- +++++ " is that " rush into " ZYX like a " child with a new toy ", " +++++

I think that this " fast track " attitude has a lot to " see " with what happen with the ZYX owners:

- there are many forms for to choose an alternative ( any audio item ) for to buy audio items, mine is a very long research process to take a decission: first I do a deep research about the builder/designer: who are they? where they come? for how many time on the subject? why I should buy their audio item ?, etc... Second, I do deep research too through differents dealers that carry the audio item and others similars for to know their opinions about. Third, I do a research through as many proffesional reviews as I can find, reading " between lines " for to know about. Fourth, I try to have a " live experience " ( my own system ) with it but if I could not, then I try to " heard " at a friend's system or directly with the dealer. Fifth, I ask to owners of the audio item. Sixth, I do a differents forums research about. etc...
Maybe all of you do the same " long track " process for make your decissions. My impression is that many of you are on the " fast track " ZYX alternative: why I think in this way?, well every time that I do a " simple " question, about " your " : " the best cartridge in the world " ZYX statement, that if you already compare the ZYX cartridges against the long list of excellent cartridges that I categorically post that beats the ZYX ones, the " silent " answer is NO.
Now, I'm not against the " fast track " attitude, it's not my money it's yours, I'm only trying to help that's all.

Btw, in the time I buy many audio items with the " fast track " attitude and in almost all there were a mistake because I buy the wrong audio item.

My last " fast track " was the Shelther 901: I buy this cartridge " only " with a fast research in this forum about the 501 and the 901. At that time all the the forum opinions about the 901 were " awesome ", so I buy it.
My first " hearing " impressions with the 901 were really great, but after a month ( more or less ) I could identify some problems with the performance of this cartridge till I have to put on sale and sold immediatly. I buy the 90X.

At that time I was the first people in the forum to post anything against the 901: " a hi-fi " cartridge or something like that, immediatly the " 901 club " people " fight with me because my post.
Two months latter that " same people " agree with me.

+++++ " didn't see a UNIV in your collection.. " +++++

Till today the ZYX can't belong in my collection. When any ZYX will be on target with the excellent performance of " others " top cartridges you can be sure that I will have that ZYX in my system. I remember you that this " hobby " is an extremely important subject on my life, nothing less.

Now, I'm not the only one that thinks that the " ZYX is not the best... ": I already post this on other thread:

- One person ( Walker TT, Wilson, Atmasphere, etc.. ) put on sale his Colibri through the Agon classifieds, trying to help I send a e-mail asking why he puts on sale the Colibri and buy the ZYX. He explain that the ZYX was better on..., on..., on... and on... that the Colibri. I give him my advise and he return the Colibri to Vandenhul for a check up. When the Colibri come back to his system, he was really happy with and hands down his ZYX cartridge easily. He gime me " tks " for my Colibri insistence.

Again regarding the " fast track " attitude. I think that all of us " other(experienced)hobbyists! " , like you say, have a great responsibility in this forum for to help to others people to take good " decissions " ( if they take it or not, that's another history ). The ZYX " fast track " attitude approach to an incredible post like this one:

+++++ " I have recently been through a search for a new cartridge. I cannot listen to anything anywhere near my home, since I live in the middle of nowhere. I have been talking to several fellow music lovers and narrowed my search to a couple of cartridges including some of the Benz and ZYX models. Based on what I have heard from ZYX owners, these cartridges outperform many cartridges costing more and having great reputations. " +++++

This person never heard the ZYX cartridge but " based " on what others " heard " he do the statement that the ZYX " outperform MANY cartridges costing more... etc..

What happen when not so experienced people read this " fast track " opinion ? Do you think that this kind of audiogon-forum post really help to anyone?

I'm sure it helps: for take wrong desicions for buying the wrong audio item, when out there are many alternatives that could help that that people could be really happy and not thinking if their choose really was the best one at that time.

No, Sirspeedy I think that I don't do a favor to anyone " telling him " what he " wants " to hear. We can do a " favor " when we tell what we know or think we know is the true or nearest to the true about. We can be wrong but we have to " say " it.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Raul,you remind me of my daughter,as I'm currently giving her driving lessons.No matter what I tell her,as she is behind the wheel,she ALWAYS has some kind of comeback answer.I can never win,with her!

It was not really necessary for you to respond to my post,but you seem to have to justify everything with your own "take".Let's get something straight.I have ALWAYS liked you,and your posts.I'm not trying to even argue with you.I have always been a bit surprised as to the somewhat nasty attitude some have to your posts,but,you are a really good soldier(much better than me),and continue to preach your audio philosophy.That's great!!

I'm not really all that PURE!Sometimes I re-read some of my posts and cannot believe just how obnoxious I must seem to some.Maybe I'm a bit insecure.My intentions are,also good,but,I'm just making general observations.On subjects that interest me.I'm not trying,as you seem to be(and that's a good thing,for you)to direct some hobbyists to make different buying decisions,based on my tastes.What do I know?And who am I to think I can be well received,by others,as the "Audio Police".The vast majority of "these" people know their stuff!

I'm NOT hinting that you are anything other than a knowledgeable, WELL MEANING and good natured hobbyist,but as I suspected,you are NOT a testing laboratory.Everyone has their own set of tastes,and you have to be KIDDING me if you think the average reader of these threads does not research product before making a buying decision.Have you seen the prices of,even,the cheap stuff?Sure there is always the person with a few extra bucks,that can afford to make a mistake,and buy on emotion,but I'll bet 99.9 percent of us do not!!You can "save"the occassional one who swerves off course,but I don't feel I have that responsibility,here in this forum.I,also have no desire to acquire new products,as you like to do(you will get a UNIV,for your collection,if you like the design improvements,in the future?).You have to be kidding me!If you feel that you "like everything almost perfect,but are not obsessed",and really feel the need to get a UNIV(with the collection you already have),if it pans out to really be great(something I really have no idea of,and that was not my original point anyway),then I have to let you in on a little secret Raul.You ARE obsessed.And coming from another obsessed hobbyist(me),that's just fine with me!Now,go take your wife out for a nice dinner.She must really love you.Mine?She's ready to kill me if I spend anymore on audio!Trust me,if you don't hear from me,in the future,you'll know what happened!!

I'm here to have a good bit of fun.Learn a few things(even if I don't initially admit it).Correspond with some nice people(like you).And what I have come to like the most,and will be planning more "surprise strikes" in the future---giving Larry a hard time!!I haven't even touched upon his,admitted,bright sounding listening room!!