Teres Audio Verus Direct Couples Motor, Anyone?

I am now using what is considered the Teres Audio 255 in Cocobolla with the lead loaded Acrylic platter. I am considering this new motor. Could anyone who has experienced the improvement post there findings here. I am very intrigued by the concept.
Diamond Jim
There’s also a big positive difference if you switch to a Teres lead loaded wood platter.
We compared a Verus with our Reference II/gold motor and holographic mylar belt, on our 320. It went back to Chris. The Verus's measured speed was inaccurate and it colored the sound in ways that did not suit our music or our ears.

For other music in other systems the Verus might be a net positive but there's no guarantee. I've corresponded with people who've liked it and other people who've disliked it.

Try it yourself, but keep an open mind and critical ears.
I also returned mine to Chris. It was not compatible with my Teres 265. It transmitted low frequency rumble like mad. YMMV.

Ken Golden
I've got a Verus motor, but haven't had a chance to really play with it, other than set it up. It was a whip to set the O-ring so it would roll smoothly and didn't produce a "heart beat". With enough messin', it's now at a point where you don't hear it (with your ear pressed against the arm board). I'm using a solid acrylic platter. I'll post some thoughts after I get some hours on it.