I stream 24/7. Do you? | marco1 | 2501 | 29 | |
Ayre QB-9/20 (board rev. 3.1) | jafant | 1130 | 3 | |
Replacing Maxon motor in a Teres Verus | millercarbon | 2753 | 10 | |
Designing amps in conjunction with speakers | | 1744 | 0 | |
Hot / Neutral Reversed | nrenter | 2747 | 6 | |
Looking for a technical explanation... | pawlowski6132 | 2228 | 8 | |
Best $40 I've spent...maybe ever | playpen | 7425 | 23 | |
Mounting a tonearm over a hole designed for Rega-style tonearm | rauliruegas | 3341 | 4 | |
Rotation of shotgun bi-wired cables | | 1886 | 0 | |
How many records can a stamper press? | rauliruegas | 1999 | 3 | |
Anyone replace the batteries in their AudioQuest DBS packs? | mapman | 18116 | 6 | |
Anyone still using a Teres table? | alanpiga | 7228 | 31 | |
Klaudio ultrasonic cleaner - Only using distilled water? | big_greg | 4786 | 9 | |
Do you clean your records before play, after play, or once (and then never again)? | zavato | 7857 | 59 | |
Anyone using shotgun bi-wire AudioQuest CV-8? | | 2181 | 0 | |