That Other Audiophile Website

Let's not forget. My negative review about the cd player was removed. This takes away the ability of other buyers to make an informed decision.
Post removed 
Agree with CAM and US Audio Mart being ok. I have sold and purchased on both websites, and since CAM’s inception with "0" issues. I have sold a few pieces to the US and Internationally as well, with either a minor issue(in Canada only) that was corrected or never is an issue from start to finish. In fact I prefer to deal with Americans over my fellow Canucks, to damn nit picky and want something for nothing attitude at times. I have never bought or sold here on Audiogon, just here for the forum reads.
...cigarettes that smell like CD players.....😖...ah, no.

I'd prefer ones' that would remind of lithe brunettes, but doubt they'd be available here through normal suppliers.....

Smoking CD anything is generally considered a Bad Thing, anyway.
But, hey...keep it 'lit' despite. ;)
I told my wife she reminded me of cigarettes.
She said, "Aww, is it because I'm addicting?"
I said, "No, it's because you cost a fortune and are slowly killing me!"

Thank you.
I'll be here all week......