The $27,900 disappointment? Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 8 issues.

GR Research gave a breakdown of these & I was surprised..

Owner looking to make them sound better.



His business is to sell he criticizes speaker manufacturers choices to sell "upgraded" crossovers.

Not sure how Danny is a Wilson competitor? Who cross shops Wilson with a GR Research kit speaker? 

Danny does these mod videos for education and entertainment....hoping you buy his GLS Encore kit...and then keep buying from him...he's not hiding the ball, he has said this.

This is an industry where designers/engineers are secretive and here we have one of the best ones openly sharing and giving an unfiltered opinion...basically unicorn content.  

The idea that a 3 dB variation in response  is "choppy"' is simply ridiculous. Go look at any speaker review with measurements and even the best have variations of at least that much and many have far greater. 

chasing a flatter response than this with a speaker is a fool's errand.



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