The Absolute Sound "review" of USB cable reads suspiciously like a press releaste

I mean c'mon—can't you even throw in a few according-to-the-manufacturer's?

How do you fiddle with a USB cable?  
I believe you, I just want to know how..

My biggest Holysh*t!! moment was better powercords.

Please don’t misinterpret what I said. I didn’t say you personally were guilty of obscuring the issues. I was speaking generally.
A sufficiently corrupted data stream cannot be reconstructed at the receiving end, but the corrupted packets can be identified and dropped.
This is quite audible and unmistakable. It does not result in the loss of ambience or differences in top hat shimmer.
Agreed. The reviewer did state that it would result in dropouts, affect depth, dynamics, impact and sound staging. As for any effects on ambience and/or shimmer, I'd have to hear it for myself as I've heard differences in those aspects with different cabling and from cleaning up noise on the AC.

All the best,

The word shimmer means different things to different people. It’s like the word soundstage or air. If only you could hear what I hear with my ears. 

I don't think people really care what you might think of their CD
playback hardware if you were able to hear them in person. 
I think it's ridiculous to not realize that top shelf CD Players
can sound as good or better than other mediums.

The Naim CDS-3 will smoke a lot of turntables and Wifi Flac
streaming setups. I have heard amazing A/B comparisons 
and CD Playback can be breath taking. 

CDs themselves can sound bad if they were recorded poorly.
Many CDs will always sound bad and so will LPs that were 
recorded poorly.