The Absolute Sound vs Pleasing Sound

I have changed my mind about this over the years. The absolute sound (closest to real live music) just can't be accomplished even though I have heard some spectacular systems that get close on some music. So years ago I changed my system to give me the sound I wanted. I'm much happier now and all my music collection can be enjoyed for what it is: Recorded music.  
How an acoustic instrument sounds to the person playing it is not at all like it sounds in the audience.
Like usual you prove to me you are just an opinionated guy who never read arguments accurately save for the gist of winning an argument...

These are my exact words in my preceding post, you dont even read to understand what i speak about:

Listening and playing being two different things completely acoustically but related tough in the same individual musician...

I precisely state here that playing and listening are 2 completely different things...

How these 2 completely different acoustical experiences which are playing and listening are related? They are related by HABIT, of playing and listening and gauging the differences by the musician himself... It is simple musician journey...

Then, Swing and a miss audio2design. Again. You don’t ever learn.

By the way you are inadvertantly childishly arrogant saying:
hence why we teach them the difference and make them wear headphones at times.

I want to see you how you dare to advise Celibidache, or Miles Davis, or any jazz musicians or a classical one on this "education" of them by you .... 😁😁

The only one musician who is not conscious of this fact is a teen....

Pathethic arrogance...
Post removed 

But NO you fault me about something i clearly not state and it is in my post itself... I precisely state that listening and playing are acoustically very different READ IT again...Anybody here can read it anyway then  are you a fool to lie in daylight?

You are right on one point, i explain not myself always very clearly because i am not a scientist, for one, nor an english speaker...I am only one of the audiophiles you despise...

Having no argument against me you attack me and any others here , suffice to read your posts...You cannot prove that all my experiments and devices are bullshit...You cannot know... And in some case it is pure acoustic science like my Helmholtz grid...

I never pretend to know ALL like you... I only pretend to know my "amateurish" fruitful experience to reach hi-fi at peanut cost and i succeeded to my satisfaction... Thats all...I communicated it to my fellow audiophile in an audio thread.... Your mission in life is debunking us?

What are your own pretention? You insult anyone daring to use "tweaks" or speaking of his experiments, or using turntables, or for being a musician, you present yourself like the bringer of "scientific truth" simplifying and reducing all audio experience to your engineered specialized window...

Myself i had proposed here, many no cost experiments and some has confirmed my results... Are we all deluded? They seems to have understood some of my posts in spite of my defects by the way....

Keep your boat i will navigate in mine.... Dont attack anyone and i will stay mute...
Seems the issues are not clear cut even when listening live to unamplified instruments. 
Nice review of some blind listening to 3 modern violins and 3 classics (strads, etc).

The modern violins were preferred. 
Here’s the kicker though. When asked if this would affect the values of the Strads the study lead said:
 "If you know it's a Strad, you will hear it differently," Fritz says. "And you can't turn off that effect."

Here we go again!
It's just an example of expectation bias. It's not like it isn't a common human condition.