The Amp Quits Agin -- Am I Missing Something?

I have a 4b-ST I left on for about 4 hours Friday night only to return to find that one of the channels had died in my absence. While I was gone, the system was on, but not being used. I haven't really investigated at all to guess what may be wrong, other than to determine that that CD player and the preamp are still working fine. The left channel on the Bryston seems to be working fine, as does my left speaker. The right channel, however, appears to be completely dead (even the left LED is dead) and I have no idea what may or may not have happened to my left speaker. I'd love to not have to send the amp back to the shop (again, it was there in February for a muting switch) and am hoping that I might have missed something obvious. Any thouhgts? Thanks.
Doesn't sound like anything obvious. Have you checked to see if any fuses have blown. Sometimes there will be some inside the amp for each channel. I'm not sure regarding this particular amp. That is where I would start though. If all ok there I think it is time to call Bryston. Hopefully it will be a fuse though. I have had similar situations which 9-10 times was a fuse I overlooked. Good luck
Whatever it is, it doesn't seem like an external enemy -- otherwise both amp channels would be on hols. EXCEPT if the main ground is wired onto the right channel & it blew due to trash entering the system from the mains while you were away. I hope Jc has it right, otherwise you may have an output transistor that's kicked the bucket.
Not very helpful -- we need Sean & Co here. Keep a stiff upper lip!
Ugh, as I suspected. My hope is that the channels are on independant fuses and that one of them went on me -- here's to hoping for the simple solution. Haven't checked them yet, but that's going to be the first (and likely the last) place I look when I start digging. And to add insult to injury, I just had $200 in new CDs delivered about 5 minutes ago. Darn lousey timing. (PS as for my apparent inability to tell my right from my left in the original post, what can I say? We'll keep it simple: on side work, other side no work).