The AR turntable

I have a mint AR turntable that I bought new in about 1985. It has a Rega RB300 arm, Blue Point from the mid-90's, and a machined armboard I think I bought at Audio Advisor.

It's been in storage for several years. I pulled it out yesterday, dusted it off and hooked it up to my Rogue Magnum 99/McCormack DNA 1-A+++/ Martin Logan Ascent/Depth system, and was blown away by how good it sounded for such an old piece of gear.

It has me considering either selling it and replacing it with something newer (and presumably better), or spending a few bucks to upgrade it.

What's the received wisdom on these ideas? I'd like to spend no more than $1000-$1200 net (i.e. after selling it if I go that route).

Your insights would be appreciated.

Happy New Year to all Audiogoners!
I disagree about replacing the Rega. The Rega is a great match for this TT and an SME (Im asuming a 309 IV or V) or a graham would be overkill. I have set up and restored many of these and they are a fine table. To get noticably better performance you will have to spend serious money. Check the AR forum on vinyl engine and as mentioned above Dave, also Sound of the wood Eric Whitacre. The most beneficial upgrade is an improved motor and power supply. If you want you can go nuts with upgrades and teaks on this table which is one of the things that makes it so much fun to own.
>>I still have a hard timing writing a check for four figures for an arm or cartridge, but can if that's the best way to go.<<

If you're unsure, always stand pat. You'll enjoy any purchase much more it you are committed to it.

If you make only a single move, replace the arm. It's a loser.
I disagree that the Rega arm is a loser. It punches well about its' weight class and responds well to various upgrades. It is not a world class arm but quite good.
My guess is that if you were to keep your TT (for comparative purposes) and purchase something else that’s current and an upgrade, and do an A/B compassion you might find out that what you originally have sounds pretty darn good and the additional investment in a TT (might look better and mentally physic better) however not sound that much ($) better. Law of diminishing returns.
You can always try the above suggestion and be the judge yourself.
After all it doesn’t really matter what all of us think, just be happy yourself and enjoy the music.