One gentleman suggested that the acoustic reality thauma turge sounded cold and unmusical. I assume that he meant to himself. I would suggest that this problem could possible have come from up stream. I heard the thauma turge amps in the system containing the wavac's, about $1000,000.00 worth in one of the finest home music room's on earth. So much better were the acoustic reality thauma turge's that I purchased three pair( I must admit that I got a little carried away and purchased one pair more than I needed, but, that's life). At any rate these amps are like chameleons They take on the color of whatever components are up or down stream. However the entire system must be up to task. These are the most uncolored amps that I have ever heard, therefor they lend themselves to wonderful preamps such as the suprateks, or passives transformer based attenuators such as the wonderful music first audio (mfa) from England. they (the Thauma Turge) put the experienced audiophile in control of his canvas. You may be a Monet,or a chagall, or just a guy like me, but you may do what you want. Of course, preference must be taken into consideration, and I have. And that is what's so wonderful about these amplifier's, thay make room for YOUR preference. At any rate you can finally be the master of your music, for a long, long time. if possible, get a pair of these wonderful and rare instruments and enjoy music. Cheers