Teajay, your comments are absurd regarding faith and creationism. The scientific EVIDENCE, philosophical, mathematical, and lastly Theological evidence all point to the fact of creationism. Faith is not based on a lack of evidence, it is based on a preponderence of evidence.
Leading scientists, philosophers, and mathematicians virtually universally admit that the imperical evidence does not support their belief, hence the continued absurdity of ideas like 'punctuated equilibrium' and many other untenible ideas. The problem is college and highschool teachers teach as dogma, what cutting edge investigators have already debunked.
Evolution requires historical (that being the provision of large amounts of evidence) proof to support it because scientific proofs (that being observable, repeatable proofs) do not exist.
Science and faith are not mutually exclusive. It requires more faith to believe that material was made by eternal energy, or by nothing than by a God who exists outside the material universe!!!
Leading scientists, philosophers, and mathematicians virtually universally admit that the imperical evidence does not support their belief, hence the continued absurdity of ideas like 'punctuated equilibrium' and many other untenible ideas. The problem is college and highschool teachers teach as dogma, what cutting edge investigators have already debunked.
Evolution requires historical (that being the provision of large amounts of evidence) proof to support it because scientific proofs (that being observable, repeatable proofs) do not exist.
Science and faith are not mutually exclusive. It requires more faith to believe that material was made by eternal energy, or by nothing than by a God who exists outside the material universe!!!