Jazze22: TAS 1/07 under 2006 Product(s) of the Year Awards lists the Budget Component of the Year for '06 as the Oppo DV-970HD (149.US).
TAS magazine also features an article by Chris Martens , p.26 regarding the Oppo. Based on the glowing review I purchased the DV-970HD which supports DVD-audio/Video,SACD,HDCD and CD and provides HDMIoutputs w/ 720p/1080i upconversion directly from www.Oppo.com .
I then compaired the Oppo to a fully out-rigged EAD combo that initially retailed for approx.$5K(US). The Oppo in-terms of sonic layering ,soundstage & presence thrashed the EAD no small feat in my book.
If you have not already made up you mind buy the 970 and pocket the savings.
TAS magazine also features an article by Chris Martens , p.26 regarding the Oppo. Based on the glowing review I purchased the DV-970HD which supports DVD-audio/Video,SACD,HDCD and CD and provides HDMIoutputs w/ 720p/1080i upconversion directly from www.Oppo.com .
I then compaired the Oppo to a fully out-rigged EAD combo that initially retailed for approx.$5K(US). The Oppo in-terms of sonic layering ,soundstage & presence thrashed the EAD no small feat in my book.
If you have not already made up you mind buy the 970 and pocket the savings.