I can't say it's "the best" and I do undserstand some folk's aversion to modified players, but I can tell you that my Oppo 970H modified by Ric Shultz at EVS (www.tweakaudio.com) is exceptional and it was way under $1000. Heck, last one I saw for sale on AgoN was under $400. It is better than several $1000-$2000 players I owned in the past, plus it has added functionality like SACD, DVD-A and DVD-V playback. It also has built-in remote volume control so you can connect it directly to a power amp, thereby potentially saving even more money by getting rid of a pre-amp (in a single CD source system).
I replaced a Resolution Audio Opus 21 with the mod'd Oppo and it gave up very little to the Opus 21 (which is a fantastic CD player). No, I wouldn't trade a Resolution Audio Opus 21 for a mod'd Oppo, but a mod'd Oppo from Rick Schultz at EVS would be good enough for me up until my system value went up to about the $10K range....
BTW, I'm likely going to buy the new Oppo Blue Ray player and have it mod'd by Ric Shultz.