The Best CD player under $1000.

I am searching a best affordable CD player under $1000, for my set of Mcintosh MA6500, Tannoy D700, and Nordost Red Dawn interconnect and speaker cables. Is there any advice. Thanks for input.
Stereophile rated a $900 Marantz into Class A so I would assume that would be a player you should consider...Music Direct sells them........
I've been looking at this range of players for quite a while and although some are a bit over one grand, this is what is on my list: Rotel 1072, Music Hall 25.2, Cayin CD 50T, Cambridge 740C. Most Audiogoners will tell you not to bother and just get a low price player and seperate DAC. Probably sensible advice, but I like to keep the system simple. Perhaps someone else has compared these players directly and can advise us.
I can't say it's "the best" and I do undserstand some folk's aversion to modified players, but I can tell you that my Oppo 970H modified by Ric Shultz at EVS ( is exceptional and it was way under $1000. Heck, last one I saw for sale on AgoN was under $400. It is better than several $1000-$2000 players I owned in the past, plus it has added functionality like SACD, DVD-A and DVD-V playback. It also has built-in remote volume control so you can connect it directly to a power amp, thereby potentially saving even more money by getting rid of a pre-amp (in a single CD source system).

I replaced a Resolution Audio Opus 21 with the mod'd Oppo and it gave up very little to the Opus 21 (which is a fantastic CD player). No, I wouldn't trade a Resolution Audio Opus 21 for a mod'd Oppo, but a mod'd Oppo from Rick Schultz at EVS would be good enough for me up until my system value went up to about the $10K range....

BTW, I'm likely going to buy the new Oppo Blue Ray player and have it mod'd by Ric Shultz.


Before parting with 1k, you might want to try this $30 Playstation 1 - is was better than my $2200 Toshiba DVD player. A hifi magazine said you have to spend over $6000 to better it.