The Best CD player under $1000.

I am searching a best affordable CD player under $1000, for my set of Mcintosh MA6500, Tannoy D700, and Nordost Red Dawn interconnect and speaker cables. Is there any advice. Thanks for input.
Stereophile rated a $900 Marantz into Class A so I would assume that would be a player you should consider...Music Direct sells them........
I've been looking at this range of players for quite a while and although some are a bit over one grand, this is what is on my list: Rotel 1072, Music Hall 25.2, Cayin CD 50T, Cambridge 740C. Most Audiogoners will tell you not to bother and just get a low price player and seperate DAC. Probably sensible advice, but I like to keep the system simple. Perhaps someone else has compared these players directly and can advise us.