the best, cost-no-object, music streamer?

I am currently using McIntosh MCD500 as source. I love it so much that my CD collection is piling up. Now i find it more hassle to find CD, play it, and return it to cabinet blah blah blah.

I think one solution to this is to find a (very) good music streamer connected to a HDD or whatever.

Can any of you share what is the best, cost-no-object, music streamer? And why do you like them?

Am no techie, but seems ability to play 24/192, FLAC, apple app compatibility is a must.

Thanks for looking.

Showing 7 responses by adg243


Am looking for all three qualities you mentioned. Good sounding digital media player with todays versatility and top notch sound quality.

Thank you for reply.

Kr4 and Kennyt. Will look at sooloos. Thanks also.

Been busy at work can only return now to this thread.

I came across an exhibition displaying dCs Puccini CDP/SACD coupled with its U clock unit. Amazing sound through B&W 800D with Classe monoblocks. I played a Adele red book Skyfall, the music is soo well defined. In other system the music sounds blurry (more noise that is hard to be called music) as if it was not well recorded. I think i know now what jitter does to your music.

I saw also soolos/meridian; seems nice, interface is very good but am not that impressed with the sound coupled with Naim system. Maybe the configuration was too warm for my taste.

Guys, I appreciate your inputs. Will also take a look at Weiss, Ayon, Linn, Aurender and Logitech as i can dealers around. (I live in Jakarta, Indonesia)

Enjoy your music.
Thanks Agiaccio. Dont think i will be playing via network.

seem's i've decided to take the Mac Mini route. still keepin' my MC48 with built in DAC. if finances allow, i'll aim one day to own dSC Debussy DAC or better; or newer version of Debussy as Debussy was launched early 2010.

I heard the dCS Puccini CD Player and matching U-Clock. Amazing sound. jaw dropping. the Scarlatti stacked of 4 doesnt sound that much difference (costing more than 3 times the Puccini !!!)

With the Puccinis; red-book CD music such as Adele's Skyfall soundtrack sounds very detailed yet musical. definitely a huge orchestra of musician is involved; it's like i can hear individual groups of musicians are playing. while on another system (i was in an audio exhibition); the same CD sounds more like a noise on a system with Goldmund CD Player (US$ 5000).

The Puccinis could set me back US$23,000. So I think the Debussy may be the middle ground here while achieving archived music stored in my new Mac Mini with 6TB HDD via thunderbolt.

thanks everyone!

let's enjoy the music :-)
I hear you all.

From reading the posts it seems music streamer needs to be a dedicated unit like sooloos, aurender, linn etc. I've only seen and hear the sooloos. seems the presentation (demo) wasnt setup well in front of me. or probly the music was using a file that is compressed and lossy.

I enjoy listening to my mac mini (amarra+itunes) connected to mcintosh c48 via USB. for past 2 weeks i have been ripping my CD collection. turns out i have couple of albums that i have 2 CD of :-)

i enjoy very much the ability control the mac mini's itunes from my ipad using Remote HD app.

Is there something wrong with my setup? should i buy a master clock?

has anybody tried a master clock, how much "less jitter" does the unit do the whole music experience?
Steve N.,

When you said USB converter, did you mean USB cable from A type USB (MacMini) to B ?
Steve N

Ok. Point taken will take a close look at this USB Converter advice

Thank you williewonka. One way I hedge against this is by having copies of the hard drive through the amazingly fast thunderbolt connection