The best thing to happen to me in my pursuit of audio nirvana was stumbling onto this site as I was searching for I-forget-what a few years ago. Since that time I have learned an extraordinary amount from users with hands-on, ownership, practical experience. Real world advice and opinions that have spun my journey 360 degrees. For the better.
With rare exception the majority of fellow members I've come into contact with are sober, rational, people more willing to educate than preach. Being in the wine and spirits business for 35 years, I can relate to the difference.
Members that I have sold to/purchased from remain comrades in arms, many whom have stayed in touch via posts on forums or through the occasional message. Very cool indeed.
With rare exception the majority of fellow members I've come into contact with are sober, rational, people more willing to educate than preach. Being in the wine and spirits business for 35 years, I can relate to the difference.
Members that I have sold to/purchased from remain comrades in arms, many whom have stayed in touch via posts on forums or through the occasional message. Very cool indeed.