The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
Bodhi, I heard them with tube gear at Overture. My buddy has the Q5's and uses all AR Ref gear and I just haven't connected to them. That's just me. I don't connect with most speakers out there. I listen for different things than many do. I have a local dealer who was carrying them years ago when they first started out and I didn't get them back then either, but again, I have plenty of friends who swear by them. That's nothing negative against them at all, just me. It's a nice looking and well built speaker. There were many parts of them that I liked a lot, but I had no connection and haven't with any of their models I've heard at dealers like Overture as well as friends houses over the years. Please don't take my post as a negative against Magico. They are highly accurate and I have found that's the part that most of the phase coherent speakers all seem to have. I have sat and listened to the highest end Wilson speakers over the years and I don't get them either, however they are very popular with many audiophiles. Nothing against them, just not for me.

Many don't get the Vandersteen line either and that's all good too. Those of us who do love them, seem to hear the same things. I like to sit and get moved. My Ayre Twenty gear is neither tubed nor SS in sound. To me (and many other's) they sound correct. I love many tube electronics and have owned CJ, AR, CAT, Quick over the years and have even wanted Jadis for the longest time, but now I only have SS other than my Aesthetix Rhea phono stage and eventually I"ll sell that and get a balanced SS phono pre as I run only balanced into my amps.

That's what makes audio so much fun.
7 MK 2 arrived, setup easy and tuned for room and THE sweet spot. I guess if I "listened differently" I could always turn on the rear firing 901 reflection tweeter...
Boomy bass ? 11 bands of EQ, variable Q and level built in...hmmmm..
Image height, gee Diana is like 7' tall on case of You..I suppose she could really be 10' but how will Elvis kiss her ?
Love Em....but I am into music, do not turn over my gear too much..
Thanks Tom, I thought I was the only one on this board who didn't turn over gear monthly, lol. Glad you love them and that they were so easy to set up and enjoy. Have fun with them as I'm sure you will. I'll just read and be jealous, lol...Still hoping and praying I can eventually get the Quatro's.

The thing I love about this thread is how passionate everyone is over their fav speakers. That just shows how differently we all listen and that there is plenty of room for all types, sizes and prices of gear. Personally, I love listening to certain pieces when I read about them on the forums. That way I know which posters have similar likes and dislikes.
@Ctsooner, I like to sit and get moved as well, so when you listen to Magico S5's or newer models such as M Pro or Q7 Mk2 properly setup for synergy, you must be hearing something completely different to me. Each to their own as they say. Incidentally, I am not a fan of Wilson speakers either.

The Ayre 20th anniversary amps by all reports are outstanding amps, though they are not the only outstanding amps out there. I'd quite happily compare a Vitus SS-102 and SL-102 pre to that gear any day of the week, even the new SS-025 stereo amp. But I accept that is a matter of personal preference.
08-03-15: Tomic601
7 MK 2 arrived, setup easy and tuned for room and THE sweet spot. I guess if I "listened differently" I could always turn on the rear firing 901 reflection tweeter...
Boomy bass ? 11 bands of EQ, variable Q and level built in...hmmmm..
Image height, gee Diana is like 7' tall on case of You..I suppose she could really be 10' but how will Elvis kiss her ?
Love Em....but I am into music, do not turn over my gear too much..
That was quite a defensive and boastful reply Tomic. Now here is an observation; your system is completely unbalanced and heavily tipped toward your speakers. I favor a balanced system approach with a commensurate investment in amplification, front end, cables, isolation and AC power. Your speakers are only as good as the rest of the chain; rubbish in, rubbish out. Have a good day...