The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
This has become a constant quest for me. I am a speaker junkie, currently I own 16 pair. I have been very pleased with an odd pairing of a set of ADS L780/2s and a set of .7EP Digital Phase flipped upside down and setting on top of the ADS with a Auralex Iso pad between the two. This was it for me till I visited AudioVolo and asked Steve to hook up a pair of Mark & Daniel Rubies. WOW! I left the store with the Rubies and a set of M&D stands. I just ordered a set of Mark & Daniel Maximus Monitors, they will play a bit louder. I like to feel the music as well as hear it. So I listen at times around 90 - 102db. My listening position is about 11' from the speakers. But right now the Mark & Daniel line of speakers rock my boat. I co-own a recording studio ( and our playback monitors are Focal Chorus 806Vs (QSC 1500) with a MTX P12 sub (QSC 900) and a set of Urei 813Bs (QSC 1500) with a Rayad sub (QSC 900). This system will blow your hair back, it sounds like your are there!
Tbg, I believe Jadis of France is still in business, but I do not know the current US importer, if there is one. As far as obtaining a pair, the last price I remember was around $45000. Not that anyone would ever part with them. Not that I could ever afford them. But, I remember them well!
...and that would be Carl Marchisoto's Alon line of speakers namely the Lotus SE series with their Alnico magnet drivers but the Alon 1's, when placed in the appropriate sized room, can blow away pretty much any competition given care is used with the ancillary equipment.

The most perfectly satisfying speaker that I have ever listened to is ther Harbeth Monitor 40. Despite the many far more expensive systems that I have auditioned in the past, these were the first that were above criticism- they just play music.