The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
Magico is a good product if you seek ultimate build quality and good sound. But you will pay for it. Also for teh gear to drive them well and make the investment pay. ANother investment there. The question then becomes can you get essentially the same sound for less? that will depend but I suspect it is possible.

Typical high end audio questions and scenarios. It all depends on ones budget and know how in putting an end to end system that meets your needs together. No speakers alone will do it, though some might more so than others.
The magicos I have heard set up well are in the top tier of systems I have heard in regards to overall sound quality. The down side is that you will pay a lot to get it.
I heard a stereo back in the 80's, it consisted of all Cello (made by mark levenson) equipment and 2 huge Cello speakers with granite stands. It pumped out over 4,000 watts a side. Have not seen or heard anything like that since.
What amps were the Cello speakers using? Even his biggest amps didn't have anything close to that power output, and the biggest speakers he made were not that inefficient.
Mapman, you pretty much nailed it in your description of Magico's latest generation of speakers. Their transparency, resolution & linearity (accuracy) demand much of their owner as their 'honesty' means they will faithfully pass on shortcomings in upstream electronics and wire. And their potential means you're really short-changing yourself if you don't explore their potential with well-matched high end amps, front end, cables and isolation of equal caliber. And like a race car, synergy is very important to get the best out of these loudspeakers. If you accept that, they are wonderful transducers.