The best speakers over 50K

I am curious.  I recently heard a pair of Vandersteen Seven speakers and I thought they sounded as good as any speaker I heard at this price.  Yet, when I look to the various forums where the users discuss the best speakers, I never see these listed.  Am I missing something?
Jjss49, not sure sharing your philosophy regarding donating is needed on the forums. Question was what 50k speakers....we can answer regarding that or not answer. 
The two best speakers I have heard are above $50k:

1. Stenheim Alumine 5
2. FM Acoustics XS1

Honorable Mention:
3. Zellaton Statement
OP:  I understand your question, and it is interesting, but who would equate $$ with "good?"

Better yet, go listen to everything you can and pick what you like.  I guarantee you that much less costly Magnepan speakers reproduce music better than any box speaker regardless of cost.

Having typed that, I say go for it.  There are several companies that box-up drivers in beautiful cabinets and sell them for hundreds of thousands of dollars that are probably decent sounding to some.

Enjoy the music!
