The BEST system you've ever built !!!!

What is the best system that you have ever put together , from source to speakers including cables ??? After all the swaps and auditions I'm looking for the final "aahhh, that's the ticket" sound to you and what components took you to Audio Nirvana. {This is a survey of actual auditions, not what you read in a magazine} THANKS,
My current one:

Cary V12 R Amp
Cary SL98P Pre
VPI Scoutmaster w/JMW-10
and Grado Reference Statement
Kimber Hero interconnects/8TC speaker wires (on Dennis
Had's recomendation)
VPI HW-19 Mk III w/Benz-Micro for my old punk records
Cary 308T Tube CD Player
Sony RCD-W5000C CD Player/Recorder
Audioquest Power cords on everything
Cary Silver Oak III or Celestion SL600s or
sometimes I move my Vandy 2CEs in from the
home theater for a change

I hit it pretty hard last year, really spent a lot of money (for me) for my first whole-system upgrade in 19 years! I'm so pleased I may never change again!
my current one
Linn 500 Solo Mono blocks
Kharma 2.3F
Shunyata Anaconda power cords, and Hydra 8
Kharma Supreme Reference interconnects

Wondering whether to go tubes on pwer amps
I've been searching for a long time, at the beginig I used Acurus electronics and B&W speakers, cabling was by nordost. That system was my firt hi-fi entry and it gave my years of listening pleasure. I've then upgrated my electronics to Sonic Frontiers and a new journey began, the neutral and soulfull sound of the Line 1/Power 1 combo maxed the capabilities of my Matrix B&W's. I upgrated to Martin Logan Ascents and found myself rediscovering the joys of audio nirvana. A teac esoteric fron end put the icing on the cake. Cables continue to be Nordost blue Heaven
My current rig is by far the best system I've ever assembled. I've had a few costly systems in the past, but this one simply obliterates all the others. It's taken quite a few stumbles and a small fortune to get here, unfortunately. But I guess the end justifies the means. My system:

Von Schweikert VR-9
DarTZeel NHB-108
Jena Labs ICs and power cords

I'll soon be adding the DartZeel battery-powered preamp to the mix and using the DCC2 strictly as a processor. I heard a prototype of the pre at CES, and it's mind-altering.
McIntosh c-8 MONO pre-amp,BI-AMPED: McIntosh MI200 (200 wt triode) for bass into Altec 515, Altec 144 theater amp into Western Electric 594 driver ,