the best 'tubey amp - warm,smooth,liquid' ?

i'm using the word 'tube' as the meaning of warm,smooth and liquid sound.
but i could't compare to some tube amps like mcintosh(mc275), cary(cad 805), arc(vs115) and conrad-johnson(premier) at one place and the same time.
some say mcintosh lean, cary weak and not bloom, arc not tubey and cj no clarity.
i need your experiences and advices.
actually i have a difficulty to match speaker systems with.
1. Anyone supporting the USA economy is hardly a racist, and probably should be praised, rather than called a term that is patently ill-founded, ill-considered and clearly unjustified. Check your thesaurus, Audiozen.
2. Anybody having any dealings with Joe Trelli, as I have, over the past 8 years, would know better than question his ethics, reliablity and integrity. It is of the highest order and if you took a poll on Audiogon, you would find 100% support of my contention. Note that he doesnt try to hawk his products in the Discussion fora, as do so many other retailers/manufacturers/dealers. They are all well known. (In this thread, both Atmasphere and Audiofeil are both fanatical in their maintenance of integrity and ethics, as well, and also never push their products)- So lay off Trelja - he is indeed one of the good guys in our hobby.
Relax..I'm not dumping at all on Joe. Supporting the US economy? Give me a break. Do you buy only audio components made in the U.S.A.? I doubt it. Everyone of us owns gear made in the States, Asia and Europe. However, I plan on putting together a vintage system in my home this fall and you can be assured that I will buy Psvane tubes from Joe. I am glad Audiofeil brought him to my attention, and after checking him out on Gon, its a no brainer to buy from him due to the loyalty and history that surrounds him and the immense respect given him by Gon members for many years. Appears that he is one remarkable person. Thanks Audiofeil.
After reading the past week's posts to this thread, I throw in my two cents' worth about Joe Trelli (Trelja). Although he and I are only acquainted from a few private emails and reading each other's posts over the years, I know of his past manufacturer relationships and have to agree with Springbok10 that Joe is a good guy, and I wouldn't hesitate to do business with him.

Audiozen, maybe you need to learn what the word racism means. It has nothing to do with Canada vs. USA. You seem to be confusing the word with nationalism, another word you can look up. If you favor buying from Canadian businesses, fine, but please keep race out of the discussion.
I expect Audiozen wanted something like "jingoism," rather than "racism." I expect "race" is often used (much) too loosely, but even so, I don't think it is conventionally extended to "Canadian."

Depending on what happens with Quebec, it may even be a stretch to refer to Canada as a country! (Of course, if Rick Perry is to be believed, the same might be said of the US and Texas.)

Yours lexicographically,
