The Big Misconception About Electricity

This vid goes quite a ways down the road to explaining why:

1)  Power cords make a not so subtle difference.

2) Cable elevators should not be looked at askance.


Regards, barts


AI is not conspiracy theory. That scares the heck out of a lot of smart people.

For the rest ..... just good humor.

A.I. is a source of power which is way more than we could imagine....

In a society with a real democracy it will be possible to use it in the servive of all..

It is impossible in our society...

Democracy is a fairy tale...

There is no conspiracy theory...

It is a word used by journalist...

The truth is plain to see but too horrible to imagine...

It is more simple for people to dismiss reality than accept it...

It is a basic scientific psychological fact...It is a survival strategy also, someone not prepared cannot accept completely new facts or other realities in science like in ordinary life...No one throw all his belief because of the facts....I include myself here it take me all my life to understand some reality...

I am not religious...

But only mystics and truly great brain in science can fathom reality....

It is the first time after my retirement i speak with "old adults" on this forum for the last years...

I live usually for 45 years with people way under 30 years,....

They are open mind...Even when they dont seem so most of the times...

I miss the young...They are in a search for truth....Those i had seen for decades...

I dont recognize myself with grown peoples... Over thirty most people will never change their life perspectives and beliefs or open themselves to NEW FIELDS of study...

I think my retirement induced a kind of depression...

If i discover something new i dont have the possibility to communicate anymore ...

Music is a therapy...



That Joe Biden is President in the US, Justin Trudeau in Canada, and Boris Johnson in the UK, it is pretty plain that there are issues with democracy.

That is not meant to be a left/right statement, just that these individuals are obviously so far from the best our societies have to offer, that obviously even at the most fundamental level, choosing our representatives, that the system is deeply flawed.



i agree completely with you...

But remind yourself that Trudeau does not decide anything deep long term even if he would be able to do...No leaders save dictators have the illusion to govern...And even most dictators dont govern truly...They pilot to survive like Xi with the CCP...The forces who govern the world are not in the news ...Sorry....

Do you know how Macron get elected?

Do you know the name of an unelected OFFICIAL institution where for example, if a murder is comitted , no police could ever inquire nor accuse the murderer?

Do you know the name of one of the most powerful leader unelected of the world for whom Trudeau, Trump, or Biden or Bill Gates are ridiculous ignorant pawn in a game?

Dont look in ANY journals or news for the name even....

The name is not there save in very FEW rare moment... ...

Have you ever listen to a documentary about one of the most powerful institution

in the world whose name 99% of people ignore?

After a search few years ago even in youtube there was none about this institution...His story is passionnate to read about in how many books do you think?

They have an official front page on the net though...

Best secret are never hidden from view completely it is a rule in detective story, something is never best hidden than in plain sight...

Only in the last decade these animals are there for us to see more vividly...

This health crisis is a benediction in fact, and truly, so negative it is, because people will awake to the forces hidden completely in the past... Their power is so great and just to be increased with A.I. tomorrow, they consider themselves the ONLY future for humanity....

A man like Klaus Schwab who represent these forces, who is himself a pawn and a parrit,  a man like this OFFICIALLY on a podium for all to see, with a book of his own, pRESCRIBING the future, this was impossible completely 20 years ago...

These dark forces emerge to the light NOW so sure of their power...they even officially described the future...


But before Klaus Schwab who is only a spokeperson, atruly genius man said the EXACT SAME THING 300 hundred years aho and created modern economy and modern society....

Only Bernard Mandeville, the greatest economist of all times DESCRIBED that EXACTLY, scientifically , 3 hundred years ago....EXACTLY yes... Who Hayek called "our master of us all"? Einstein? Freud? Marx? Aristotle? no Bernard Mandeville and most people even in the economic field dont even sometimes know his name...I know i had decade with economic students also with me...


Ask an economy professor who is Mandeville and ask him if he is the greatest economist of all times... The answer will probably be no....

Anyway the true events in the world are SPIRITUAL events....Many religious people in spite of their superstitions, and limitations at least guess that in their own way and words...





That Joe Biden is President in the US, Justin Trudeau in Canada, and Boris Johnson in the UK, it is pretty plain that there are issues with democracy.


That Joe Biden is President in the US, Justin Trudeau in Canada, and Boris Johnson in the UK, it is pretty plain that there are issues with democracy.

That is not meant to be a left/right statement, just that these individuals are obviously so far from the best our societies have to offer, that obviously even at the most fundamental level, choosing our representatives, that the system is deeply flawed.


t is not meant to be a left/right statement, just that these individuals are obviously so far from the best our societies have to offer, that obviously even at the most fundamental level, choosing our representatives, that the system is deeply flawed.


According to my close and trusted sources in the Deep State, so is some Class D technology.

A.I. is a source of power which is way more than we could imagine....